[Linux-Anyway] Re: 19" CRT Monitor setup in SW9.1

  • From: John Richard Smith <BAGSOFCHOICE@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: Linux-Anyway@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 04 Nov 2004 12:34:10 +0000


That is brilliant,
Thank you very, very much indeed.

I would like to explain. I am a dyslexic, I'm sure you all have noticed it.

I have tried in vain to explain to people that we need not only good 
but just as importantly good screen refresh rates. I cannot understate that.
In the UK where I live our domestic electricty supply comes @ 50Hz,which
means our lighting, particularly flourescent pulses @ 50Hz,
and for me anything less than a 70Hz screen refresh rate positively hurts me
to watch for any length of time.The flicker which is of relatively minor 
to some people, positively makes my head ache. I know that 70Hz is
the minimum I need, so getting the refresh rate up to 75Hz is very 
important for me.

I have now achieved that.
It works.
I don't care if it does stress the monitor,
though I think this may not be the case,
I have achieved 1600x1200 @ 75Hz in windblows
(I think it's true, not just claimed, dyslexics tend to notice these 
things rather sharply)
In anycase  it's a cost I'm prepared to pay.

I also want to thank you for the explanation which answered a lot of the 
I had wanted to ask for a long time.I'm going to keep a note of it.


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