[Linux-Anyway] Re: 19" CRT Monitor setup in SW9.1

  • From: Godwin Stewart <gstewart@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: Linux-Anyway@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 4 Nov 2004 14:18:38 +0100

On Thu, 04 Nov 2004 12:34:10 +0000, John Richard Smith
<BAGSOFCHOICE@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> That is brilliant,
> Thank you very, very much indeed.

No problem.

> I would like to explain. I am a dyslexic, I'm sure you all have noticed
> it.

Others may have, I hadn't.

> In the UK where I live our domestic electricty supply comes @ 50Hz,which
> means our lighting, particularly flourescent pulses @ 50Hz,

Whenever you have the choice of lighting system in your home, work
environment, whatever, you should go for those low consumption bulbs. They
look dingy as hell when you first switch them on but when they're up to
speed they're no problem at all. The point being that these things have
quite a bit of electronics in them. They rectify the 240VAC from the mains
and use the resulting 340VDC to supply a relatively high frequency
oscillator which makes the light pulse at a much higher frequency than
conventional neon lights. Even I get a headache with neons sometimes,
complete with troubled vision, nausea, the full works.

Second choice would be straightforward incandescent light bulbs. Those
pulsate at 100Hz on a 50Hz AC power supply (one pulse during the positive
alternance, another during the negative alternance, i.e. 2 pulses per cycle
at 50 cycles per second = 100 pulses per second). In fact it's a good idea
to have one of those burning in an area lit by fluorescent lamps in order to
attenuate the 50Hz flickering of the neons.

> getting the refresh rate up to 75Hz is very important for me.
> I have now achieved that.
> It works.

I take it you just modified the "HorizSync" line to include the higher rate
allowing X to push the pixel clock?

One thing you can try in order to confirm what's going on is to run a small
utility called "xvidtune". It'll show you all the figures I blathered on
about in last night's mail.

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to time spent preparing it.
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