[LRflex] Re: Simplicity

  • From: Ted Grant <tedgrant@xxxxxxx>
  • To: leicareflex@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 21 Dec 2006 07:39:19 -0800

Noel offered:
> Reading recent posts makes me feel that I am missing out on something=20
> by not having switched to digital (the French term numerique is so=20
> much more expressive). Missing out on odd colour effects, erratic=20
> electronics, battery woes, the need for firmware upgrades, the=20
> spending of large amounts of money, etc, etc. Once "they" get it=20
> right, digital may well be wonderful but for now the simplicity (and=20
> beauty as tools) of the SL and SL2, and the serenity that comes from=20
>working in the darkroom suit me just fine.
> Merry festivities to all.<<<

Noel mon ami,
I note the heading of the post is "simplicity."

Obviously from your post it appears you do not find digital "simple." But 
rather a confusion of batteries, software, odd colours compounded by the 
techie babble making it sound as though it's a horrific contraption and 

Quite frankly if one were to leave the digital  "techno babble" of the 
screen and go forth on their own, pick-up, let's say a 20D for example, a 
fairly simple producing digi machine you'd be very surprised at quality and 
KISS of the system & results!

I don't believe I've shot a roll in close to 3 years both in work and play. 
And I wouldn't go back to film unless my life depended on it. Yes, film, 
darkroom, mixing chemicals and all the ramifications of it over a half 
century of working as a photojournalist, the darkroom was never a problem. I 
enjoyed it. Actually it's quite simple, so I can relate to what you say and 

I've never lost the magical feelings that come when a beautiful B&W print 
appears in the soup.  Dang that's a great feeling, :-) My greatest relation 
with the darkroom  is the first time I saw the print appear in my simple 
"sun porch created darkroom" way back before some lads on this site were 
born. Recalling the first print is much like photographing your first 
birthing.... it's magical never to be forgotten. :-)

However, in digital there is a similar but different magical moment when 
your "image appears on screen."  Then with nothing more than a simple key 
tap the finished print appears from the machine applying the ink to paper. 

You hold it up, with some you suck in your gut and breathe at the beauty of 
it and the "simplicity of producing it!" :-)

I fear many people think negatively about digital because they hear or read 
the "techie jargon" rather than doing their own thing by giving digital a 
big warm hug and move into the simplicity of the digital world themselves! 

Quite frankly it can be as simple as you make it in the darkroom or make it 
as complicated as Ansel Adams and others of his ilk who messed with their 
darkroom technique.  I see Adams as complicated and difficult as you feel 
about digital.

Do your own thing about digital. Ask yourself.... "Before internet and the 
opinions of thousands" didn't I do my own thing about much of my photography 
and darkroom processing?"

 Keep this in mind.  "We learn by doing!"  Not what everyone else thinks it 
should be! ;-)

No different than you would in selecting your own exposure and not selecting 
it due to the babble of a dozen or so others. ;-)

And with this... I wish you a Very Merry Christmas and a successful 
photographic New Year. :-)


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