[openbeos] Re: the new website

  • From: Stephan Assmus <superstippi@xxxxxx>
  • To: openbeos@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sun, 27 Aug 2006 18:04:30 +0200

Oliver Tappe <openbeos@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> I tend to agree with Koki: The developer articles will be personal views 
> that reflect the daily life of us haiku-slaves, won't they? >;o) Pretty 
> much like Axel's blog was when he got paid by haiku, some of his entries 
> were real articles, others were quick updates.
> Newsletter articles, on the other side, have a specific aim, which is to 
> "build value" (as Koki put it), ideally giving insight as well as 
> contributing to the overall public image of the project. They will tend 
> to be longish and each of them will hopefully have a clear, specific 
> topic (which in my experience is only rarely true for personal articles).
> Furthermore, I see the personal articles as being in the domain of the 
> individual developer, while any newsletter articles (that may or may not 
> be written by developers) are in the domain of marketing, i.e. this is 
> where the marcom team may insist on change of wording, etc. While this 
> may sound like PR-machinery-hell, it is merely the basic principle that 
> will allow marcom to keep control over the official view project haiku 
> will present to the outside.
> If we can agree on that separation, it should be easier to avoid those 
> highly emotional discussions between developers and marcom about the 
> effect of the PR-machinery: it should simply be obvious for any 
> newsletter article author that marcom has the final say on the article. 
> And it should be obvious to the marcom team that they have nothing to 
> complain about any developer article.
> It might even be the case that marcom may explicitly request articles 
> about certain topics to be written within a certain timeframe, in order 
> to achieve any goal. This, of course, is totally opposed to the 
> self-motivated notion of developer "blogs".

You guys keep discussing the idealistic way... what you seem to completely 
forget is that the new website was designed to fix a specific problem. And 
if your view on the new site would be fully implemented, we would have that 
same problem again/still! Which is that "official news letters" will be 
released once every three quarters of a year.

There is your visions on the one side, but the real Haiku project (the 
people behind it with their limited resources) on the other side. Where is 
the content going to come from that goes into official news letters? Will 
you have three or four articles all at once every month? Our website is 
going to look _again_ like their is no progress.

Best regards,

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