[openbeos] Re: ShowImage "Mirror" Operations

  • From: Helmar Rudolph <news@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: openbeos@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 20 Apr 2006 11:01:08 +0200

My 2 cents...

The real issue is NOT if ShowImage is losing focus but
<em>what do people want *to do* when they call up an image</em>. 

From my own experience (esp with digital pics) in the vast majority
of the cases I want to crop, change gamma/contrast, rename (*),
resize, view EXIF, add IPTC comments, rotate, and occasionally
change the RGB values. In Windows I use IrfanView for that; the same
app is often used for thumbnailing and batch conversion of any kind.
For anything more complex I use proper graphics editors, which load
a lot slower than IrfanView.

Ergo: a pure image viewer like ShowImage that allows next to no
manipulation on the image itself is IMO outdated. I acknowledge that
it's a fine line to tread on when it comes to useful functionality
vs bloat, but for me I think it can be boiled down to this:

        for quick manipulation tasks I want a fast-loading app, ie
        for more complex tasks I'm ok with loading a slow-loading editor,
        ie PSP, PSD or Canvas.
*) You may ask yourself why 'rename' in an image viewer? Well,
digital pics have useless names, and only when I see them I can give
them a more appropriate name, hence the desire to rename from within
the viewer.


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