[openbeos] Re: ShowImage "Mirror" Operations

  • From: "Jonas Sundström" <jonas@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: openbeos@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 19 Apr 2006 20:07:45 +0200 CEST

ShowImage isn't the right tool for rotating, scaling and processing 
your images, at least not _permanently_. It's purpose is to be an image 
browser, that works in tandem with Tracker. Alt-Up/Down skipping in 
Tracker folders, basically. Lightweight, clean and with a few well 
designed smarts.

If you need more, get a real photo editing suite, or get/make a set of 
Tracker add-ons that aids your particular workflow, but don't try to 
shoehorn more into ShowImage or sub-apps. (Tracker add-ons that talk to 
a running ShowImage.)

I think Tracker add-ons are nice, but Haiku can't be everything to 
everyone, and we're not creating a good user experience by exposing all 
possible functionality in every part of the system.

(My 0,02 SEK)

/Jonas Sundström.

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