[gmpi] Re: Requirements sections 3.4 and 3.5

  • From: Tim Hockin <thockin@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: gmpi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sun, 30 Nov 2003 20:25:28 -0800

On Mon, Dec 01, 2003 at 08:03:37AM +0100, Vincent Burel wrote:
> > I think the REAL requirement is that a plugin that cares should be
> notified
> > as to whether it is running realtime or offline.
> yes.
> > If a plugin is a CPU pig, it can implement a quality knob itself (many
> > plugins do this today).
> i like when you repeat that i said.

I didn't repeat it ALL, apparently 

> or less time, typically a measure plug-in like spectrum analyzer , usually
> don't need to run in render or mixdown...

fair enough

> > But this isn't really all true.  Perhaps the user wants to do a quick
> > render, and NOT make plugins run at full quality?
> there is the mp3 for that ! :-)

QUICK.  Not compressed.  Unless you have a time domain compressor plugin. :)

Some plugins will run the same in "draft" as in "render" (most?)
Some plugins will run faster in "render" (spectrum analyzers, meters)
Some plugins will run slower in "render" (CPU hogs)

It should be possible to 'render' without triggering the CPU hog modes.  A
render done at "render" mode should complete in less-than or equal-to
real time.  A render done at "draft" mode will complete in an unknown length
of time.

> >     GMPI must provide information about the mode in which the graph is
> >     operating (realtime or offline) to plugins which request that
> >     information.
> good !

but not sufficient.

> yes for the beginning , but for the rest, i'm not very excited with this
> idea of draft mode or whatever quality mode . As i already said (and as you

"draft" was just a term I thought might be familiar.  And thatnks to you,
I'm more convinced now that we need not two but three modes.

1. "realtime" - everything runs, possibly in lowered quality if the plugin
offers it and the user set it that way.  A full playback will take real time
to finish.

2. "offline, draft" - visual plugins don't run, everything else runs,
possibly in lowered quality if the plugin offers it and the user set it that
way.  A full playback will take real time OR LESS to finish.

3. "offline, final" - visual plugins don't run, everything else runs in full
quality mode.  A full playback might take more than real time to finish.

Plugins which do not care to differentiate between modes do not need to do
any extra work.

> say also) the Quality Knob (wich can be a number of band, a factor overlap,
> an order, a depth parameter etc...) is requiered only for plug-in who eat
> CPU power , and it's better to let the plug-in take care about that and
> named that with the good word to let the user decide what to do...

I agree with that EXCEPT that it should be possible to tell plugins "this is
a full quality render - ignore any scale-backs.


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