[gmpi] Re: Requirements

  • From: Paul Davis <paul@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: gmpi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 17 Nov 2003 10:20:55 -0500

>On Mon, Nov 17, 2003 at 09:55:45 -0500, Angus F. Hewlett wrote:
>> Certainly you don't need it at all for a responsive UI. However, when you
>> are talking about plugins with complex UIs, it does make things more
>> difficult. Nonetheless it does have advantages. All I can say is, we
>> should encourage it and make it easier, but not make it mandator.
>How much middle ground is there between plugins that can be well supported
>by host-generated or pixmap+XML descriptions and plugins that its worth
>having out-of-process UIs for?

i'd also like to point people to 


(i don't particularly like this design, but its fairly clear how to
get around the site from it).

the whole of csszengarden is an example of what can be done using CSS
for web pages. its sort of the inverse situation to ours: here, the
HTML for every page on the site is identical, but the CSS is different.

i find it quite encouraging when trying to imagine how a pixmap+XML
GUI specification might end up looking. some of the designs are ugly,
some are beautiful - either way, its hard for me to imagine that you
couldn't create a very very nice GUI using a similar system.


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