[geocentrism] Re: The Big Bang

  • From: "Jack Lewis" <jandj.lewis@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <geocentrism@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 15 Sep 2004 21:20:23 +0100

----- Original Message -----
From: "Glover, Rob" <Rob.Glover@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: <geocentrism@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Tuesday, September 14, 2004 10:56 AM
Subject: [geocentrism] Re: The Big Bang

> Jack,
> I didn't get the ICR attachment?

Sorry I'll try again.
When I click on the Attach: box at the top of this e-mail, it opens up with
a 'Opening Attachment' warning box. When I click open, up it comes OK.

> The key point is, in the long view, science has a self-correcting
> If no hard evidence is found for the Dark Matter or Dark Energy
> if the Steady-State theory begins to develop equally good explanations for
> things which currently can only be explained by Big Bang, then cosmology
> a whole will emerge from the debate stronger, not weaker. If a consensus
> does arrive, it may or may not be in our lifetime.

The real key point is that the most obvious conclusion to come to is that
there was a creator. But if this is disallowed as a priori, no wonder
science gets itself tied in knots trying to figure it out. No matter how
close or often the research gets to this conclusion, it is rejected and a
new idea is formulated. Sooner or later rationality will have to prevail and
ad-hocs will have to cease. As I have said before it is irrational to
believe that something happened from nothing without a first cause. I much
prefer to stay rational and accept that it was created. Meanwhile I will
continue to question the assumptions science puts forward as an explanation
for origins.

Jack Lewis

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 Collapse of the Big Bang Theory

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- IMPACT No. 216 June 1991
by Duane T. Gish[32], Ph.D.*

(C)Copyright 2004[33] Institute for Creation Research. All Rights Reserved 

"Down with the Big Bang;" "The Big Bang Theory Goes Kerplooey;" "The Big
BangTheory Explodes;" "Sorry, Big Bang Theory is a Dud;" "Map Challenges
Theory of Universe;" "Astronomers' New Data Jolt Vital Part of Big Bang
Theory;" "Quasar Clumps Dim Cosmological Theory." These have been titles of
afew of the articles found in newspapers and science journals in the last
twoor three years, as the Big Bang theory has received one body blow after
another. And why not? We know that the universe did not begin with a big
bang-- it will end with a big bang, for "but the day of the Lord will come
asa thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a
greatnoise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also
andthe works that are therein shall be burned up" (II Peter 3:10).
Cosmologists have thus miserably failed as to the time, nature, and cause of
the Big Bang. 

The Big Bang theory concerning the origin of the universe was spawned about
50 years ago, and soon became the dogma of the evolutionary establishment.
Ithas had many dissenters, however, including the British astronomer Sir
FredHoyle, the Nobel laureate Hannes Alfven, and astronomers Geoffrey
Burbidge and Halton Arp. According to the Big Bang theory, some 10 to 20
billion years ago, all of the matter and energy of the universe was
compressed into a cosmic egg, or plasma ball, consisting of sub-atomic
particles and radiation. Nobody knows where the cosmic egg came from, or how
it got there -- it was just there. For some equally inexplicable reason, the
cosmic egg exploded. As the matter and radiation expanded, so the theory
says, it cooled sufficiently for elements to form, as protons and electrons
combined to form hydrogen of atomic weight one, and neutrons were
subsequently captured to form helium of atomic weight four. Most of the gas
that formed consisted of hydrogen. These gases, it is then supposed,
expandedradially in all directions throughout the universe until they were
sohighly dispersed that an extremely low vacuum and temperature existed. No
oxygen, nitrogen, phosphorus, carbon, sulfur, copper, iron, nickel, uranium,
or other elements existed. The universe consisted essentially of hydrogen
gas. Then somehow, we are told, the molecules of gas that were racing out at
an enormous speed in a radial direction began to collapse in on themselves
inlocal areas by gravitational attraction. The molecules within a space of
about six trillion miles diameter collapsed to form each star, a hundred
billion stars somehow collected to form each of the estimated 100 billion
galaxies in the universe, and our own solar system formed about five billion
years or so ago from a cloud of dust and gas made up of the exploded
remnantsof previously existing stars. No satisfactory theory exists to
explain any of these events, but cosmologists remained firm in their
conviction that all of these marvelous events would eventually yield to
credible explanations. But now a cruel fate has befallen the grandest theory
of all -- the Big Bang theory. 

Based on the Big Bang theory, cosmologists predicted that the distribution
ofmatter throughout the universe would be homogeneous. Thus, based upon the
so-called Cosmological Principle, it was postulated that the distribution of
galaxies in the universe would be essentially uniform. No matter in which
direction one looked, if one looked far enough, one would see the same
numberof galaxies. There would be no large scale clusters of galaxies or
great voids in space. Recent research, however, has revealed massive
superclusters of galaxies and vast voids in space. We exist in a very

The present crisis in Big Bang cosmologies began in 1986, when R. Brent
Tully, of the University of Hawaii, showed that there were ribbons of
superclusters of galaxies 300 million light-years long and 100 million
light-years thick, stretching out about a billion light-years, and separated
by voids about 300 million light-years across.[1] These structures are much
too big for the Big Bang theory to produce. At the speeds at which galaxies
are supposed to be moving, it would require 80 billion years to create such
ahuge complex, but the age of the universe is supposed to be somewhere
between 10 and 20 billion years. 

In November of 1989, Margaret Geller and John Huchra, of the
Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, announced the results of their
research. Their map of the sky revealed what they termed the "Great Wall" --
a huge sheet of galaxies 200 million light years across and 700 million
lightyears long.[2] A team of American, British, and Hungarian astronomers,
it is reported, discovered even larger structures.[3] They found galaxies
clustered into thin bands spaced about 600 millon light years apart. The
pattern of these clusters stretched across about one-fourth of the diameter
of the universe, or about seven billion light years. This huge shell and
voidpattern would have required nearly 150 billion years to form, based on
their speed of movement, if produced by the standard Big Bang cosmology. 

Even more recently (January 3, 1991), Will Saunders and nine fellow
astronomers published the results of their all-sky redshift survey of
galaxies detected by the Infrared Astronomical Satellite. This survey
revealed the existence of a far-greater number of massive superclusters of
galaxies than can be accounted for by Big Bang cosmologies.[4] 

In an attempt to salvage the Big Bang theory, cosmologists have invented
hypotheses to explain the failures of their hypotheses. One of these is the
Cold Dark Matter (CDM) theory. According to this theory, 90-99% of the
matterin the universe cannot be detected. If CDM existed, it would supply
sufficient gravitational pull to create large clusters of galaxies. The
structures discovered during the past few years, however, are so massive
thateven if CDM did exist, it could not account for their formation.
Saundersand co-workers thus state that the CDM model can be ruled out to at
least the 97% confidence level. In the same issue of Nature, in which is
found the article by Saunders, et al, there appears an article by David
Lindley in the "News and Views" section (p. 14) entitled "Cold Dark Matter
Makes an Exit." Caltech cosmologist S. George Djorgovski, taking into
accountthe astronomical observations that contradict the CDM theory, states
that the demise of the notion of the existence of cold dark matter is

Also very recently, the U.S.-European Roentgen Satellite (ROSAT), detecting
x-ray emissions, discovered evidence of giant superclusters of quasars on
theedge of the universe, supposedly eight to 12 billion light years from the
earth.[6] Physicist Paul Steinhardt, of the University of Pennsylvania,
states that "This may be the start of the death knell of the
cold-dark-mattertheory. "Even if this hypothetical matter existed, it still
could not explain the existence of these giant clusters of quasars. 

If all of this weren't bad enough news for Big Bang cosmologists, results
from the Cosmic Background Explorer (COBE) should really make them wish they
had gone into some other field. Based on the Big Bang theory, it was
predicted that there should exist a background radiation equivalent to a few
degrees Kelvin. Sure enough, in 1965, Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson, radio
engineers at Bell Telephone Laboratories in New Jersey, discovered a
microwave background radiation of 2.7&#176; <!#P6MJ239><!#P255DJ0>K.
Evolutionary cosmologists were absolutely delighted. This discovery was
considered proof of the Big Bang, and Penzias and Wilson were duly awarded
Nobel Prizes. It now appears, however, that the background radiation may
turnout to be additional evidence against the Big Bang theory, rather than
its proof. 

Since the Big Bang theory predicted a homogeneous universe with matter
evenlydistributed throughout the universe (which it most certainly is not,
asdescribed above), evolutionary cosmologists expected that the background
radiation would be perfectly smooth. That is, no matter in which direction
one looked, the background radiation would be the same. Just as predicted,
the background radiation was perfectly smooth. Theorists were delighted,
smugin the assurance that this background radiation was the leftover whimper
of the Big Bang. Now, however, it turns out that the universe is not
homogeneous, but is extremely lumpy, with massive superclusters of galaxies
and great voids in space. Thus , if the background radiation is left over
from the Big Bang, it should not be smooth, but should be more intense in
certain directions than in others, indicating inhomogeneities at the very
start of the universe, immediately following the initial moments of the Big
Bang. Astronomers thus began to search for differences in the background
radiations. All measurements showed it to be perfectly smooth. Thus COBE was
launched to an orbit 559 miles above the earth, carrying sensitive
instruments to measure the background radiation. Alas, preliminary data from
COBE announced in January, show absolutely no evidence of inhomogeneity in
the background radiation. It is perfectly smooth.[7] 

"No energetic processes, even unknown ones, could have occurred that were
vigorous enough to either create the large-scale structures astronomers have
observed or stop their headlong motion once created. There is simply no way
to form these structures in the 20 billion years since the Big Bang."[8] 

Of course, the demise of the Big Bang theory will not discourage
evolutionarytheorists from proposing other theories. In fact, theories based
on plasma processes and a revised steady-state theory have already been
advanced to replace Big Bang cosmologies."[9],[10],[11] 

Eventually, all such theories will fail, for "in the beginning God created
the heaven and the earth" (Genesis 1:1). "The heavens declare the glory of
God; and the firmament showeth His handiwork" (Psalm 19:1). -- References --

* R. B. Tully, Astrophysics Journal 303:25-38 (1986). 
* M. J. Geller and J. P. Huchra, Science 246:897-903 (1990). 
* E. G. Lerner, Aerospace America, March 1990, pp. 38-43. 
* Will Saunders, et al, Nature 349:32-38 (1991). 
* T. H. Maugh, II, Los Angeles Times, San Diego Edition, January 5, 1991, p.
* R. Cowen, Science News 139:52 (1991). 
* Reference 3, p. 41. 
* Reference 3, p. 42. 
* Reference 3, p. 43. 
* A. L. Peratt, The Sciences, January/February 1990, p. 24. 
* H. C. Arp, G. Burbidge, F. Hoyle, J. V. Narlikar, and N. C.
Wickramasinghe,Nature 346:807-812 (1990). 

* Dr. Duane T. Gish is Vice-President of the Institute for Creation


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