[geocentrism] Re: Pro-HC physical phenomenon?

  • From: Allen Daves <allendaves@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: geocentrism@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sat, 24 Mar 2007 18:02:50 -0700 (PDT)

1.Yes, HC/AC attempts to use Gravityin a circular way to help perpetuate itself 
as reasonable.........
  2. I also would like to touch upon a subtle but importaint point and I dont 
think I did it justice in my last post.....
  "Gravity is the Key! Particular when you consider the fact that within the GC 
framework the concept of the Ether & or firmament  from our perspective 
describe  bodies that are placed in a ridged frame work not just free floating 
in space and bound by some abstract Newtonian gravity. Sooner or latter we are 
going to have to address that head on and pick sides not just assert Mach?s 
principle if we are to hold true to the creators word." 
  The descriptions given to us define the objects set in not just held this to 
is a subtle but I think important fundamental difference between HC/AC 
Newtonian gravity model and a GC firmament model... .True one if one is set in 
then it will be held by the thing it is set in however in HC what is doing the 
Holding is the other objects not any firmament/aether/?free space?,... not the 
firmament itself , but, scripture defines the firmament as doing the holding by 
virtue of being set into it, not into a gravitational field caused by the other 
surrounding bodies!!...... This I believe is a subtle but most important 
distinction that must be enforced!  Note: I am not arguing or suggesting that 
GC is not the most reasonable construct regardless, period??.. only that if we 
are to describe the reality of the truth as we O & E as well as from what we 
hold dear from His word we are going to have to make that distinction perfectly 
clear and define and explain how things work in that
 construct not just rest in how it all could be in Mach?s universe. It is also 
this concept of firm Jello , glass, mercury,..ect.....that i believe we should 
be able to ascertain via trial and error the rations of density between the 
masses and the firmament as well as the frequency(ies) that generate what we 
observe ( distribution of matter) as well as the actual field strength of 
gravity itself this is/would be a complicated set of variables to work out I 
  3. One final note regarding mass distribution, since the bodies were set into 
the firmament it is not necessary to assume that the gravitational vibrations 
themselves hold them there only that they are not strong enough to dislodge 
them from their set positions. When God set them in position as with everything 
else Observed and experience, they demonstrate a fractal distribution possibly 
completely independent of the gravitational force itself. This too would be a 
fundamental shift of the emphasis between the HC/AC v GC models.   

Allen Daves <allendaves@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
    Physical Phenomenon are only pro HC if you assume ther rest of HC's 
theroies about everything else in mechanics first.....
  I would argue that the nature of gravity would be important for answering 
that question regardless of  GC or HC/AC .......even in the the AC construct 
they don't claim to know what causes gravity they only claim to understand how 
gravity works but the explanation is only valid and reasonable if the AC 
construct is true ..to simple make observations of what happens does not tell 
us how it works although it can indicate such but even then that is limited 
depending on what overall construct to subscribe to....A gravity that pushes 
obviously works differently then one that pulls AC assumes a pull model where I 
would argue that the only logical conclusion that can be made based on actual 
O&E is a push model. Further, I would also suggest that O & E favor gravity as 
vibration within the firmament itself where at 22 thousand miles from the 
approx center (earth) is a ring node just as in the case of the ringed patterns 
of sand on the sound board..i would also point out that in
 last weeks NS the problematic discovery for MS  that the universe appears to 
conform to fractal geometry and distribution ......fractals have meaning in 
terms of design as well as music and  in this case vibrations within a ridged 
medium...........ummm ..I am convinced that is what gravity is.. That model is 
a completely different model of gravity then Newtonian which as Martin so 
eloquently pointed out that it is known to be in error by, more exactly, 1.11 
part in 300..so what gravity is does have a major Bering on how gravity works 
which in turn would determine whether or not the trial and error or 
observations of certain phenomena are indeed conforming to HC or to something 
else altogether ?I would argue that although one can view GC in terms of 
Newtonian gravity via berry centers and such the O& E favor a completely 
different model altogether ..However, in any case the  Newtonian Gravity model 
only favors HC is you assume the rest of HC as true as well. That?s the
 questions that get begged?.  The thing is that in order to break the HC/AC 
hold we are going to have to address the universe in whole not in just 
individual parts and attempt to argue part for part because the parts 
individually can be interpreted from both HC or GC and in some case may seem to 
favor GC or HC but the real problem is making them all sing together 
harmoniously as one chorus of O&E ??not merely a bunch of individual 
parts??..The nature and Mechanics  of Gravity is the glue that holds the whole 
universe together.. Gravity is the Key! Particular when you consider the fact 
that within the GC framework the concept of the Ether & or firmament  from our 
perspective describe  bodies that are placed in a ridged frame work not just 
free floating in space and bound by some abstract Newtonian gravity. Sooner or 
latter we are going to have to address that head on and pick sides not just 
assert Mach?s principle if we are to hold true to the creators word. This would 
be to
 our great advantage since it is in consistent with O& E.   Again that is a 
very basic foundation that holds us together as a group namely a Ordered/ 
structured universe originated by a designer ( and his word) not merely a 
random set of variables that coalesced together to produce order?.Having stated 
that I must stress that frames of reference are the issue and gravity is the 
key to understanding/describing an proving accurately as possible what we 
observe in things such as GC sats as well as fractal distribution of mass and  
ultimately proving the nature of the universe itself?. That cannot be done 
external of a correct and proper understanding of Gravity not just the fact 
that the nature of gravity determines those effects but how and why they work 
that way. I believe we started and have a good foundation to work from based on 
O&E , at least far more O&E then the simply assertions for pull Newtonian 
frameworks. I believe we are going to have to attack the issue of
 Gravity first at least foremost in the short term if we are going to be able 
to explain why and how galaxies keep their spirals external of DM and DE, which 
if we do not address will themselves become just one more set of  weeds in the 
way,?as well as why GC Sats stay up and  the fractal nature of the observable 
universe??. Gravity  will be and is the KEY  to all of this especialy RFs.
  In short GC stats stay up there because gravity does not work the way HC/AC 
describes it in the first place. At 22k miles high is a vibrational ring node 
just like the ones we saw in the video.. Notwithstanding, even if gravity 
worked according to HC/AC Mach?s principle applied to Newtonian gravity in 
HC/AC would equivocate the two models although it is easier to justify a 
Godless random construct in that model.  Where within the firmament vibrational 
model of gravity the HC/AC construct would be more difficult to justify an 
equivalence in terms of a random Godless universe. Although this would fall 
short proof for many it would affect the important but very subtle issue of 
bias for most. It would in any case be more consistent with O&E as well as His 
  "Dr. Neville Jones" <ntj005@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

    Sorry, why does the geosynchronous satellite NOT simply "fall down" in a GS 

    Allen and Philip,
  Gentlemen, I feel that your discussion is drifting. In my opinion, the 
essence of your debate is contained within the following:

  [P - red] We don't need to talk about frames of reference. keep the 
discussion on basic mechanics..  
  [A - blue] Well gee..if we take that approach we dont even need to talk about 
mechanis in order to discover the reasons why and what the mechanics are either 
? Frames of refernce are what the whole HC/AC myth is built on to explain why 
the sun only looks like it is moving accross the sky but it is realy an 
illusion.....Gee wiz what relevant O&E do you want to talk about in this 
discovery process?...this is about as basic as it gets in terms of HC/AC V 
GC......Lets just  There is only one reference point.. Its here. That?s my 
point! and if we hold to what you suggest here then H/AC can't appeal to 
multiple RF...... if it cannot ................well even they would admit the 
whole HC/AC thing would fall apart real quick............If you want to stick 
to that great! ....I'll even let Phil Platt and or Einstien himself make the 
case........I suggest you read Mach's "The principle of mechanics" and 
"Principles of Relativity" the whole point is to define Multiple equivalent RF
 so as to, among other things, make light Isotropic in the universe so as to 
explain the Sagnac, MM, MG, whcih were and are "real" O&E, away.. .....RFs are 
not a side issue they are the issue........ Relative v Absolute.......
  Your methodology is damaging to the cause, because it lacks credible thought 
processing and smacks of flat earther reasoning. plm
  No because you can actually O&E earths roundness......you can't actually O&E 
the universes isotropic nature...although you can imagine that ....
  You have both made some good points, but is not the core of this the 
identification of some physical process that tends to favour the HC/AC model 
over the GS (geostationary) model?
  I believe that many observations favour the GS model, but I also see one such 
physical phenomenon that supports the HC/AC position, and that is the 
geosynchronous satellite. For, whatever gravity is caused by and whatever 
equation you want to describe its effect with, why does the geosynchronous 
satellite simply "fall down" in a GS universe?
  Best wishes,
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