[softwarelist] Re: !Sprinter

  • From: Martin Wuerthner <public@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: davidpilling@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sat, 17 Nov 2007 12:20:01 +0100

In message <4f4320b60eray@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
          Ray Favre <ray@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> I find !Sprinter tremendously useful and use it very frequently.

Yes, seconded. Invaluable for debugging purposes for anyone writing 
software that prints.

> There is, however, one feature of which I sometimes fall foul.

> Once the standard sprite save box appears after the print processing,
> it disappears again if any mouse-click is made prior to doing the
> drag-save. (i.e. the save box acts more like a menu.)

> Is there a reason for this? I don't think it's normal behaviour for a
> save box.

It is perfectly normal behaviour for a save box, but I agree that in 
this specific case it is very irritating and not very helpful, in 
particular since producing the printout can take a long time during 
which the machine is locked up. It is all too easy to click somewhere 
while the printout is being prepared and once that has happened, the 
output is lost. It also means that you have no means of opening a 
Filer window to save to if you have forgotten to do so before starting 
to print.

I think the way PrintPDF does it is far better: It opens a permanent 
save dialogue box. Generally, IMHO, a save window should always be 
permanent when there is transient data to save. Things are different 
in the standard case of data shown in a window (say, a word processor 
document) because then you can always reopen the save box from the 
window after accidentally closing it.

> (But I also seem to recall there was a method of bringing it back -
> short of re-printing - a keystroke or something. Am I right?)

I do not think so. As far as I can see SPrinter deletes the 
intermediate file as soon as the save box is closed, so there cannot 
be any method for bringing it back.

Martin Wuerthner          MW Software          martin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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