[cryptome] Re: Microsoft and the NSA

  • From: "Al Mac Wow" <macwheel99@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <cryptome@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 18 Jul 2013 11:04:19 -0500

Regarding the link,[1] the 2000 statement "The US Department of Commerce,
Bureau of Export Administration (BXA) has oversight authority regarding US
export laws." This statement is no longer valid.  The system has been
changed, and it is broken, as I found out, from GAO reports,[2] when doing
research which I wrote up in my DRONE NATIONS and DRONE TERMS.[3]


Basically, the GAO reports spelled out what kinds of technologies are
governed by particular export restrictions, and which an alphabet soup of
several US government agencies are needed to approve the exports, which
nations are banned from receiving certain technologies.  GAO documented
hundreds of exports of serious technologies, such as cruise missiles, to
nations which either US laws, and/or international treaties, banned them
from being exported to, but which were approved by the very government
agencies, whose job it is to prevent that from happening.


*       AECA = US Arms Control Act.[4]  This limits: 

*       sale or transfer of certain Info and technologies to foreign nations
and foreign entities;[5] and
*       requires end-use monitoring, to try to prevent foreign customers
from passing or proliferating the technologies to nations banned from direct
US sales.
*       AECA Licensing and Transfer Agencies relevant to Drones Technology, 

*       See: BIS Export OEE Administration in Commerce; DDTC in State; DSCA
in DoD.

*       AECA End use Monitoring Agencies relevant to Drones Technology, 

*       See: BIS Export OEE Enforcement in Commerce; DDTC in State; DSCA in

*       AECA Enforcement Agencies, relevant to Drones technology, 

*       See: BIS Export OEE Enforcement in Commerce; CBP; DoJ; FBI; ICE

*       The US executive branch is considering reforms to the US export
control system in an Export Control Reform Initiative, including the
creation of a single control list and a single info technology system. This
initiative could affect export control licensing and enforcement efforts
involving drones and related technologies and components.
*       See: BIS; Blue Lantern; CCL; Commerce; Cruise Missiles; DDTC; DHS;
DoD; DoJ; DSCA; DSS; GAO; Golden Sentry; ICE; MTCR; State; UAV; Wassenaar

*       BIS = US Bureau of Industry and Security, within Dept of Commerce.
BIS administers CCL with the support of DTSA and other government
agencies.[6]  It also monitors end-use, to limit proliferation on to
prohibited third parties.


*       Blue Lantern = A DDTC administered program monitoring end-use of
munitions covered by AECA export controls, to catch any foreign customers
trying to pass technologies along to third parties outside those they may be
proliferated to.[7]

*       See: AECA; DDTC; Golden Sentry.

*       CCL = US Dept of Commerce Control List[8] of certain technologies,
and components, which have both civilian and military applications, and thus
may require export restrictions.

*       See: AECA; BIS; CBP; DDTC; DTSA; ICE; OEE.  

*       DCS = Direct Commercial Sales

*       See AECA; BIS; CCL; DDTC; DSCA.

*       DDTC = US Department of State Directorate of Defense Trade Controls.
Munitions, covered by AECA, are licensed for DCS by DDTC.[9]

*       See: AECA; BIS; Blue Lantern; CBP; CCL; DCS; DSCA; DSS; ICE; MTCR;
Wassenaar Arrangement.

*       DSCA = Defense Security Cooperation Agency. DoD's DSCA administers
FMS under supervision and general direction of the State Dept.[10]

*       See: AECA; BIS; CCL; DDTC; DoD; DSS; FMS; Golden Sentry; ICE

*       FMS = Foreign Military Sales.

*       See: AECA; DSCA; State.

*       Golden Sentry = A DSCA program which monitors end-use of sensitive
technologies exported to foreign military customers, where those
technologies are restricted by AECA against re-sale in a banned
proliferation manner.[11]

*       See: AECA; Blue Lantern; DSCA.

*       OEE = USA Office of Export Controls within BIS, to investigate
suspected AECA violations of CCL. [12]

*       See: AECA; BIS; CCL; DSS.


Alister William Macintyre

-----Original Message-----
From: cryptome-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:cryptome-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx]
On Behalf Of Ben McGinnes
Sent: Wednesday, July 17, 2013 9:23 PM
To: cryptome@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [cryptome] Microsoft and the NSA



      Since I just stopped lurking in another thread, I figured I

may as well start another discussion.


Now, I've only been on this list for a little while, but I've been

following Cryptome for quite some time.  John even stopped by my blog

(it's on adversary.org if anyone cares) when I posted about leaks and

spooks a couple of years ago.  Anyway, I'm not posting to shill for my

poorly updated blog, I'm posting to remind people about something

Cryptome published 13 years ago which might be worth revisiting in

light of recent events:




This is a very good example of why having an archive like Cryptome

around is such a good thing.  I remembered enough of the salient

details about the "NSA_KEY" to find that fairly quickly.  No doubt

there will be other things that may have slipped by, perhaps from the

ECHELON investigations in the '90s, that may be worth revisiting.







[1] http://cryptome.org/nsakey-ms-dc.htm 

[2] GAO = US Government Accountability Office.

See GAO Drones by Nation 12-536 2012 July from

And http://www.gao.gov/assets/250/241243.pdf which I downloaded as GAO
Drones by Nation 04-175 2004 Jan.

[3] My collection: http://www.scribd.com/collections/3807680/Drone-Info

Nations doing what with drones:

Terminology: http://www.scribd.com/doc/105029922/Drone-Terms-by-Al-Mac 

[4] See GAO Drones by Nation 12-536 2012 July from

[5] Given government secrecy what all is covered by this, and the
proliferation of people sharing info on the Internet, enforcement of this
must be quite a challenge.

Note that while all the illustrations of drones in GAO report on drones by
nation, are of the aerial kind, other official reports, such as from DoD,
show that there are also variants which operate on land, sea, and under the

[6] See GAO Drones by Nation 12-536 2012 July from

[7] See GAO Drones by Nation 12-536 2012 July from

[8] See GAO Drones by Nation 12-536 2012 July from

[9] See GAO Drones by Nation 12-536 2012 July from

[10] See GAO Drones by Nation 12-536 2012 July from

[11] See GAO Drones by Nation 12-536 2012 July from

[12] See GAO Drones by Nation 12-536 2012 July from

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