Re: this is what i found in canal walk

  • From: Ilitirit Sama <ilitirit@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: cpt-fgc@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sun, 23 Mar 2014 22:11:55 +0200

So yeah, AE and KOF13 at Canal Walk...

Both cabs have those stock shitty buttons and sticks, but they seem to
work.  It takes a while to get used to them though.  I couldn't do instant
air burn kicks with Viper consistently, but I could do FFF and I could
piano with Blanka/Honda very easily.  Sometimes I would hold downback
thinking I'm blocking, and I'd get hit anyway.  The are lag spikes, which
are admittedly very few and far between, but you will notice them if you're
familiar with the game. There might be slight input lag, but the crappy
controls are more of a problem.  The machine's speakers are also REALLY

Here's the kicker:  the rounds are set to 50 seconds -_-  The timer says 99
seconds, but the clock runs at double speed.  Fucking cheapskate wonderland
owners.  To prove that this is not a coincidence or mistake, KOF13's rounds
are set to 30 seconds.

KOF13 has nearly half a second of input lag.  When I tap a button, my
finger is off the button before the move even comes out.  It also has an
inexplicable delay between matches against the AI.  I think it may be
trying to search for networked machines.  The button layout is stupid and
almost unusable.  A C B D, with A being almost a complete hands width away
from D.  It is the 1.1 version, which I believe is the one the console
version is based on.

Noone can play AE or KOF.  Far more people were playing the hacks.  Guess
it's because it's 2 tokens per credit.

I spent most of my time beating AE with different chars.  I now have the
top score on the game (jab xx hands with Honda FTW).  Beat a coupla noobs
who were totally useless at the game (couldn't even do atooget).  Two guys
played just before I left.  They were obviously familiar with the game, but
didn't really know much and it was obvious they were pad players.  I mirror
matched the Akuma player and blew his mind by finishing him off with a
roundhouse cancel into demon.

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