[bookport] Harry Potter #7

  • From: "Jeanette Beal" <bealjk@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: bookport@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 19 Jul 2007 16:05:37 -0400

Hey bookport users!  So I pre-ordered my HP7 book through Borders and don't
have to pay for it until pick-up.  Silly me, I thought it would be $20-30
bucks.  Nope, the audio HP7 book is going to be $50 AFTER a huge discount.
Right-o, who can afford that for a freakin' audio book?!?!  It's
$20-something for the print!  Bastards!
Is anyone scanning it on Saturday when it comes out or know where I can get
a cheaper audio-version?  This sucks mightily.
- Jeanette Beal

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