[minima] Re: A New Approach

  • From: "Joe Rocci" <joe@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <minima@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 12 Dec 2014 16:28:54 -0500

"TLTs in both voltage and current form are still art."

I don't believe we're seeing ant "TLT" effects here, given frequency and length 
of wire. Pure voltage and current xfmrs in my estimation.

"The biggest problem is transformers and their size are frequency related  "

Yes. That's why I used small binocs and fine wire. BTW, I'm a firm believer 
that there is no "Guanells effect" at these HF frequencies with the tiny 
structures we're using. I believe what's going on when you improve performance 
by twisting the wires at HF is that you're satisfying the physics requirement 
that the wires have to occupy the same physical space for perfect coupling. 
BTW, in my testing with these particular transformers, it didn't make a lick of 
difference if they were twisted or not. Of course, this is just audio we're 
talking about. No, really, it's the near perfect coupling provided by the binoc 
at these frequencies. It probably would improve things on a toroid core though.

"Yes, your FST3257 plot is cleaner"

Are you talking about my 'compound transformer' unit? If so, you don't have 
anything else in the same circuit topology to compare to yet, unless you found 
someone else's plots of Farhans design...mine is different.

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