[lit-ideas] Re: more cell phone spottings

  • From: Judy Evans <judithevans1@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sun, 20 Nov 2005 20:09:23 +0000

Sunday, November 20, 2005, 7:02:01 PM, Eric Yost wrote:

JE>   *and carry on chatting while they're being served*

EY> Was in a Chinese restaurant on Broadway last week and two co-eds 
EY> entered (Columbia U is just up the street). They sat at a table 
EY> across from me, ordered their food, and spent the rest of the 
EY> meal talking on cell phones. An object lesson on how to dine with 
EY> friends as though you weren't.

people do that here too but normally, *one* person, of two, does it,
while the other just sits there. It's a bit like the (coffee-house,
not restaurant) "man reads a quality paper while woman sits there
looking woman-y" one (which thank goodness doesn't happen too often).

When mobiles first appeared here men in suits used to use them on
trains, self-importantly and self-consciously; now everybody here has
at least 2 mobiles and many people have camera-phones, that happens
less often (instead of course, many people use them but not

A study here divided mobile users into the 2 obvious types: younger
ones who text and run their social lives that way and people like me
who just use the phones when they have to, and that, rarely
(leaving out the middle group who use them for business, ?); I'll
probably have to carry mine around more as my answer-phone's flaky and
also increasingly companies making deliveries, and utility companies,
ask for my mobile number so they can call me half-an-hour in advance
(so I don't have to stay in waiting for them).

I don't know how much my reluctance to use the mobile more often stems
from the fact that it hurts my hands, which are anyway clumsy.

Judy Evans, Cardiff, UK

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