[lit-ideas] Re: health care

  • From: Judy Evans <judithevans001@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 25 Nov 2004 21:01:54 +0000

Thursday, November 25, 2004, 4:52:26 PM, Phil Enns wrote:

PE> My family is covered by my University plan through a minimal ($200?) extra
PE> charge.  This covers dental, most prescription drugs, and doctor's visits.
PE> With the drugs, we only have to pay a service charge to the pharmacy that
PE> amounts to about $10.

But that's the System-Plus.  When I taught at London I didn't even need to pay 
extra; UCL hospital would usher me to the front of A and E (ER) queues, the 
Royal London saw me within 2 days of my 'phoning, and so on.  And at York, when 
I missed an appointment with a very arrogant surgeon and wrote to apologise 
using the university letter-head, his secretary rang me and apologised to me 
for the "misunderstanding" re dates.

But let's not suggest that's the system for everybody, or that it's fair.

 Judy Evans, Cardiff, UK   

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