[lit-ideas] Re: The de-islamization of Europe

  • From: Paul Stone <pas@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 22 Jan 2007 16:19:21 -0500

At 03:59 PM 1/22/2007, you wrote:
If the reader (of posts) doesn't assume these definitions, posts will be necessarily mis-understood. Are we back to Humpty Dumpty? Or "no master text" (reader informs the language which informs the reader, etc.)

But the reader's repertoire of definitions [whether right or wrong] is of no concern of the writer if HE thinks the words are clearly defined and useable. I think the problem with "militant islamic" isn't with the use of the use of "islamic", it's with the use of the modifier "militant" and its location in the phrase, for coupled together, "islamic" soon slides into "islamist". Perhaps "islamic militant" is more accurate to acceptably describe Saddam Hussein. And even though Andreas was perhaps right to point out that Saddam Hussein wasn't an "islamist", he CERTAINLY WAS both, islamic (he took a Qu'ran to his death) and militant. Saying he was secular is a matter of degree and open to debate and reminds me of George Carlin's line, perhaps mocking "life" -- "yes, you will live another 20 years... unfortunately you'll be bleeding from both eyes."

But again, if certain words are understood to mean certain things, then there IS going to be misunderstanding and misreadings by those who are not privy to those certain things that they mean.

typically convoluted,

Paul Stone
Kingsville, ON, Canada
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