[lit-ideas] Re: The de-islamization of Europe

  • From: Phil Enns <phil.enns@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sun, 21 Jan 2007 11:52:47 -0400

Lawrence Helm wrote:

"Most Christians would agree with what I've written.  Only a small minority
believes Christianity is pacifistic and that by reading passages in a
Fundamentalist (Literalist) manner that was never intended by the author."

Nonsense.  You are out of touch with the vast majority of Christians in
their beliefs today, particularly in S. America and Africa.  Furthermore,
those of us who explicitly identify with the pacifist tradition, could not
even be remotely considered fundamentalist/literalists.  Ironically,
American fundamentalists usually identify the will of God with the national
interests of the U.S. and therefore are overwhelmingly militarists.  I still
remember the shock of attending a Southern Baptist church that had a large
American flag prominently displayed beside the pulpit.

Lawrence concludes:

"Your "flight of fancy" assertion assumes (whether or not you know it) that
this minority of Christians has the right interpretation and the majority is
engaged in a false interpretation."

The obvious logical fallacy being ad populum.  Tsk, tsk, Lawrence, and with
all your talk of logic.


Phil Enns
Glen Haven, NS

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