[lit-ideas] Re: On the prospect of World Peace

  • From: John Wager <john.wager1@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 05 Sep 2006 14:34:23 -0500

Phil Enns wrote:

Lawrence Helm wrote:

"I know of three people who seem to claim to be or give evidence of
being true pacifists: Phil Enns, Austin Meredith, and Mike Geary."

I haven't a clue what a 'true' pacifist is, but I doubt I would qualify
as one.  Given that violence comes in so many different shapes and
forms, I am not at all certain that it is possible to articulate a
'true' pacifist position, much less live it.  I hold pacifist beliefs
but these beliefs are nuanced and not anything like your account of
pacifism, which seems to me to be fairly obviously a caricature.
Furthermore, I doubt the Skipper would want to be lumped into the same
category as me.

Lump me in. Even though I'm one of the few people on this list who can say he's (probably) killed people in a war, I think that wars are always failures of both societies involved. There are almost always more difficult, more demanding ways to end conflicts than with war. I sincerely believe it is possible to do so, however, in most cases, and the failures to do so I count as in part a personal failure to make enough impact on my society to help it do so.

But the time for pacifism is the time of peace. I agree with Gandhi: If one waits for a war to break out to discover one's pacifism, it's probably just cowardice in disguise. The time for pacifism is long before conflicts heat up.

"Never attribute to malice that which can be explained by incompetence and ignorance." -------------------------------------------------
John Wager john.wager1@xxxxxxxxxxx
Lisle, IL, USA

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