[lit-ideas] Re: On the prospect of World Peace

  • From: "Mike Geary" <atlas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 5 Sep 2006 10:20:46 -0500


Who is proposing what you say the US is proposing? No one. You are making it up<<

I am not making it up. You are. I never said the US was proposing any such thing. I was bemoaning the fact that apparently our government is NOT planning such an efficient way to achieving world peace and chastising you for not taking your own arguments seriously. You need to read more carefully, Lawrence.

No one is talking about blowing up a nation to save it. That's nonsense.<<

Do Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld know this? Quick, tell them before there's nothing left of Iraq.

Then again you seem to be missing the nature of the Arab "Honor System."<<

Oh, it's pretty much the same as the Marine's code. Both throw-backs to 7th Century thinking.

Kill 241 Marines in Beirut? No Arab-type revenge for Clinton. <<

Except it was Reagan, your cowboy hero, the Gipper, Bonzo's buddy, who brought the boys home pronto, pronto. The only intelligent thing he did in 8 years in office. But don't take my word for it. Look it up, October 23, 1983 at 6:22 a.m. I wish you wouldn't make things up, Lawrence. Who's going to believe you?

But in regard to the basic issue, I asked if there were any pacifists who had a plan to achieve world peace. None indicated any such plan. <<

I did. I said stop these willy nilly wars and bomb everyone who's not us to kingdom come. I'm amazed you don't love the idea.

Mike Geary
really, really serious now.

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