[lit-ideas] Re: Brigette Gabriel again supporting Israel

  • From: Omar Kusturica <omarkusto@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 1 Aug 2006 05:10:46 -0700 (PDT)

--- Stan Spiegel <writeforu2@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Open her website and read all the pages. You won't
> agree with Helen's assessment. Hezbollah's behavior
> is reason for it all. A cease-fire, in my opinion
> will do nothing but give Hezbollah more breathing
> room, not bring about any resolution. Hezbollah is a
> cancer and needs to be destroyed.

*Your memory appears to be rather short and selective,
Stan. As I remember, we have spent years now on this
list discussing various conflict in the ME while
hardly ever mentioning the Hezbollah. Suddenly the
Hezbollah is the source of all evil ?

Like the other Zionists, you never tire of whimpering
about those bad people who wish to 'destroy Israel,'
yet you are here bluntly demanding that a large
popular organization with an impressive record of
social services and resistance to occupation be
destroyed. To this end, you are prepared to endorse
large-scale killing of civilians and destruction of a
country. That is a militant and war-mongering
position, Stan. I suggest that you don't even bother
to try to pretend that you are some kind of liberal or
moderate again. You have shown your true face once and
for all in this in discussion, and it's not a pretty


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