[lit-ideas] Re: Brigette Gabriel again supporting Israel

  • From: JimKandJulieB@xxxxxxx
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 1 Aug 2006 20:56:37 EDT

Omar, I'm starting to seriously wonder if you support terrorism.   Would you 
like to answer?
Julie Krueger

========Original  Message========     Subj: [lit-ideas] Re: Brigette Gabriel 
again supporting Israel  Date: 8/1/06 9:05:59 AM Central Daylight Time  From: 
_omarkusto@xxxxxxxxxx (mailto:omarkusto@xxxxxxxxx)   To: 
_lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (mailto:lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx)   Sent on:    

--- Stan Spiegel  <writeforu2@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

I couldn't sleep if  I
> had a neighbor like 
> that. Neither could you,  Omar.

*Maybe not, but then I am not occupying the house of
my  neghbour's cousin by force. Nor do I have a history
of invading my  neighbour's house. All this is based on
a refusal to see the context. We are  supposed to buy
the claim that Israel is just a state like any state,
no  different from Norway. Well, it's not. Normal
states do not occupy lands that  do not belong to them.
Normal states do not expel populations that  don't
belong to the right ethnic -religious groop and
prevent them from  returning indefinitely. Normal
states don't invade other states, and they  have their
borders clearly designated. Normal states don't base
their  immigration and citizenship requirements on
racial and religious criteria.  And so on. There is a
lot of things Israel needs to do before it can  say
that it has the right to sleep in peace in the midst
of the Arab  world.

> Like al Quada, Hezbollah will never be satisfied
>  until they achieve their 
> deadly goals. I'm not ready to let them. How  can you
> -- an intelligent 
> person -- be so swayed by Hezbollah's  good works as
> to overlook their real 
> goals: the annihilation of  Israel?

*It may be that the Hezbollah would like to annihilate
Israel,  but I believe that it realizes that it hasn't
got the ability to do so.  Hopefully the time will come
when Israel will realize that it hasn't got  the
ability to simply annihilate its enemies, and that it
needs to  negotiate with them. But probably not while
there are militants like Stan  around.


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