Re: [ARMini-support] Occasional crashes

  • From: David Pilling <david@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: armini-support@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 21:29:57 +0000


On 23/12/2014 17:41, Chris Bell (Lists) wrote:
Do you mean something like Reporter?

Yes, something like that. However I don't know how this should be done. I suspect others may.

One problem is that software may have bugs in it which make it look at incorrect memory locations, on one version of RISC OS that may do no harm, on another it may lead to a crash, because the contents of those locations are different. The problem is in the application, but the user may see it as a machine/RISC OS version problem.

In my own experience software does have bugs like this.

David Pilling
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