[Wittrs] Re: The CRA in Symbolic Form (According to Joe)

  • From: "SWM" <SWMirsky@xxxxxxx>
  • To: wittrsamr@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 28 Apr 2010 17:29:27 -0000

--- In Wittrs@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, Justintruth <wittrsamr@...> wrote:

> > a running program is only using syntactic operations
> Can someone help me understand under what conditions a machine is
> "only using syntactic operations". Is Von Neumann architecture
> required? Parallel processing ok? A Turing machine required? Is
> storage of states and a clock required or is an analog device ok?

It's partly just a stipulation, i.e., that we agree to equate computational 
processes running on computers with whatever we call "syntax" because, like the 
rote (mechanical) behavior we usually have in mind when we speak of "syntax", 
computer processes involve implementing various rules in a set way (according 
to a prescribed format or set of steps, i.e., an algorithm) but without relying 
on thinking about what one is doing in any explicit way and without penetrating 
into the meanings of the symbols being manipulated.

Of course there are real differences between the syntax of a language as users 
speak it, the syntax of the mechanisms of the users' capacity to actually 
follow speak a language, the syntax of a machine operating according to pre-set 
instructions by just implementing one event after another, etc. But for the 
purposes of moving the discussion forward, it's probably not untoward to accept 
the usage that holds that computational processes running on computers 
(computer programs) are syntactical in nature.

For Searle, and his adherents, such computer behavior is called "syntax" and 
insofar as all that's meant is that the computer's "behavior" is seen to be 
totally mindless, thoughtless, intentionless, etc., etc., (even if a human 
implementing syntactical operations may have accompanying thoughts, awareness, 
etc., for his or her part), relatively little harm is done I think.

The problem arises, however, when, as seems to me unavoidable, different 
concepts of "syntax" come into play in the argument and start to impinge on one 

> Surely "using syntactic operations" does not mean that "it is running
> a program" as the syntax of the program is just a function of the user
> interface for the compiler not a function of the target systems
> execution of the complied program.

Right, but that does become part of the confusion that you have rightly picked 
up on here. Thus we humans may follow pre-set rules a la algorithms and, in 
doing so, will have various levels of awareness of doing this, of the rules 
themselves (their semantics or meaning), etc., while a machine running a 
comparable set of algorithms is just a tool, a device with no intentional 
awareness at all. Searle trades on this notion in making his case that the 
"syntax" he says computer programs are can't do whateve it is that brains do.

Searle sometimes says this is because there is no understanding there to begin 
with and, because there isn't, there is no possibility of that (his CRA) and 
sometimes, because mere syntax is abstract, not, as Budd will tell us, a 
"natural kind", case it cannot have any causal efficacy in the world at all 
because what is purely abstract cannot cause events.

Searle's mistake here, in either case I think, lies in thinking that the 
"syntax" he calls computer programs has no physical dimension. Whether he 
denies the possibility of bringing consciousness about in the world because 
syntax is utterly unlike anything we mean by "semantics" or because it is 
thought to be so abstract as to be excluded from whatever physical brains can 
do, Searle misstates what kind of "syntax" computational processes are. That 
is, they are physical processes consisting of changing physical states and, in 
this, they are no less physical or more abstract than what any normal and fully 
operating human brain is.

> In fact different syntax can be
> used to achieve the same result at run time and the same syntax could
> be used to cause a completely different execution just by changing the
> compiler.
> If I have a simple button labeled "Start" then there is a syntax to
> the labeling of the button. That does not mean depressing the button
> is a "syntactical operation". Does it?

In a way the programmer or computer engineer is operating as syntactically as 
the machine if he or she is not thinking about the meanings of what he or she 
is doing which is perfectly conceivable. But just as often or even more often, 
some degree of thought is accompanying the behaviors. And then we have a 
difference in the application of the term "syntax". Searle will say, well, our 
human subject "has semantics", the (or a) characteristic of having a mind. But 
if the human mind is just the result of certain physical operations happening 
in the brain, none of which are themselves self-aware, intentional, etc., then 
the fact that the already conscious human has these is not an indication that 
he or she doesn't have them because of lower level processes in his or her 
brain which doesn't have them.

> So called "machine language" are typically just physical (usually
> electrical) states of a device which when "execution" is initiated, by
> pressing the run key for example, cause a cascade of physical
> processes. Sometimes those processes result in states that are
> interpretable according to the rules of some language (as in the CRA
> taken literally does) but not always. Is it required that the output
> be a language?

No, but it is supposed that the process is akin to a mindless manipulation of 
symbols which the language speaker engages in more mindfully.

> Is a chimp operating syntactically? Only when he communicates with
> other chimps or when he reaches for a banana peels it and eats it
> while sitting alone?

I would say not but, certainly, on some interpretations, one might want to say 
yes. This further points up the lack of an adequate explication of this term, 
beyond the initial stipulations with which we started.

> I suspect that unraveling the CRA comes down to understanding what
> "using syntactic operations" means precisely. Or has the term been
> expanded so much that any device that is assumed to operate according
> to some formal rule or "physics" is syntactic?

I would say that Searle wants to dissociate formal rules from actual physical 
operations in the world. In this I think he's dead wrong.

> At least what does it mean in this proof and in this conversation?
> ==========================================

That's the $64,000 question! But I've already given my answer. I think our 
resident Searleans ought to have a go at it by giving theirs now.


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