[Wittrs] Conditions of Assertability: First-Person Self-Reference

  • From: Joseph Polanik <jpolanik@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: wittrsamr@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sat, 21 Nov 2009 07:06:37 -0500

Cayuse wrote:

>there is clearly a difference between normal everyday behavior (like
>feeling pity for somebody in distress) and pursuing misguided
>metaphysical speculation.

given its incoherence, it would not be difficult to claim that
speculation based on your definition of 'metaphysical' is misguided.

but, what's at issue at the moment is the claim that neither the stream
of experiences that experiences pity nor the stream of experiences that
experiences distress may accurately self-reference.

do you not agree that these streams of experience are different streams
of experiences and that they are streams of different experiences?

since you claim that your so-called theory is a theory of human
behavior, you must recognize that humans do in fact self-reference their
own stream of experiences. what is the value of a theory of behavior
that denies that this behavior occurs?

are you saying that, when someone expresses compassion for someone else
(someone dying in intractable pain from untreatable cancer, say),
neither one is aware of which one is experiencing pain and each one is
experiencing compassion?



Nothing Unreal is Self-Aware



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