[rodgersorgan] Re: Christmas Music at Christmas

  • From: Cbtsubdallas@xxxxxxx
  • To: rodgersorgan@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 4 Dec 2002 15:12:36 EST

In a message dated 12/4/2002 7:57:38 AM Central Standard Time, 
rcullen@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx writes:

> As one who has recently been asked to play "without the pedals" by the 
> music "leader" (an electric guitarist) and one who flatly refused, in a fit 
> of final rebellion (and it was final) against church "musicianship" who 
> don't have a clue that the organ is NOT a backing instrument for a band... 

Oh boy, do I ever have a story that echoes that scenario!  I'm the minister 
of music (org./c.m.) at a Catholic church which went without an organist for 
a few months.  In the interim the guitarists led the music.  When I took the 
job the good Fr. informed me that he wanted me to use the guitarists at the 
10 AM Sunday Mass, but that they were to follow my direction and that the 
organ is the principal instrument (NO problem for me); however, it's been 
quite a problem with two of the guitarists.  One of which bucks my every move 
and, get this, he's a youngster (early 20s) who plays bass.  It's been so bad 
at times that I've NEARLY lost my cool during rehearsals, but I've resisted 
-- thus far.  

Now here's where it gets interesting -- in June I introduced a new Mass from 
England and the congregation has taken to it very quickly.  I've even 
incorporated the use of the guitarists, violinist, trumpeter, and oboe 
player.  However the guitarists are still bucking it, saying that it's not 
easy for them to play because of the ever changing chords.  SO ... after some 
thought and consultation with the pastor I've suggested that once a month at 
the 10 AM service we have a guitar Mass, in which I give them latitude to do 
their own thing and I relinquish quite a bit of control.  I even allow them 
to do the Celtic Mass (the Mass which the new Mass, Bread of Life, replaced). 
 The pastor has insisted that I still be at the console and accompany quietly 
(there went my idea of heading to the casinos in Shreveport early)!

Anyhow, in short, what I'm trying to say is that if you have a sympathetic 
pastor who appreciates organ music and good music, in whatever form, the 
bumps which we all encounter in music ministry are much easier to withstand.  
Also, a bit of compromise goes a long way in satisfying those who don't fully 
appreciate organ music.

One thing that I've not yet been able to convey to the guitarists is that 
church and rehearsals are NOT jam sessions...  In time perhaps...

Allen Johns
(who plays a Rodgers 850)


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