[opendtv] Re: USDTV demos at NAB

  • From: "Manfredi, Albert E" <albert.e.manfredi@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <opendtv@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 28 Apr 2004 15:36:25 -0400

John Shutt wrote:

> Dewey,
> VHF from 17 miles away?!?  No wonder the antenna worked
> inside the personal
> effects safe.

I don't get this, John. Are you complaining because you
think that a mere 17 miles is too close for claiming
that indoor reception works? I will guess here that the
vast majority of NTSC received with rabbit ears is done
within a 17 to maybe 20 miles max of the transmitters.

Furthermore, the much publicized demo in the Senate
conference room was, IIRC, at no more than 4 or 5 miles
from the transmitter? Ooodles of power to boot. No one
seemed to complain about that.

Furthermore, as you know, the ERP of VHF transmitters is
typically way below what UHF transmnitters use, so it's
not like indoor reception of VHF is any easier. In fact,
in many cases, the opposite is true. Because UHF sees a
window as a huge opening, where to VHF, the window is
often smaller than the wavelength (in most homes anyway).

I guess I'm more than surprised to hear that solid
indoor reception was demonstrated in 2001, amid all the
bellyaching to the contrary. The fact that perhaps only
one receiver managed this feat SHOULD have been seen as
an indication that the problem was not the modulation,
but rather the receiver design. One wonders why such an
obvious conclusion didn't take precedence over the
negative hype everyone had to endure.

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