[lit-ideas] Re: Worst Case Scenarios

  • From: Teemu Pyyluoma <teme17@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 24 Apr 2006 22:06:28 -0700 (PDT)

--- Omar Kusturica <omarkusto@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> *The terms such as "China's interests" or "US
> interests" could use some more critical analysis.

Well yes, but as few nuclear weapons as possible and
avoiding global recession for example is in general

> *I don't know either, but one problem with these
> global institutions is that they are undemocratic.
> What democracy and self-goverance exists today
> exists on local and national levels, not in the UN, 
> WTO, IMF etc. 

UN, WTO, IMF and so on are run by mostly democraticly
elected governments. With the exception of UN, these
are organizations with very specific tasks. Pace
George Soros, that WTO ignores labor or environmental
standards is by design, and is not the problem. The
problem is that there is no WTO equivalent in those
other fields.

That global trade rules leave a lot to desire is not
in dispute, however it is unclear how handling trade
treaties bilaterally would lead to fairer results. In
general, if international institutions are bad, what
exactly would be better?

> The global order in which China is invited to
> participate, and in which it participates if
> anything more responsibly than the other great 
> powers, may be structurally corrupted. 
Corruption is inevitable in any kind of organization
and needs to be minimized. Corruption howerver is not
a  reason to prefer anarchy.

And "more responsibly"? I guess you mean that the
Chinese goverment doesn't usually take an active role
in anything outside its borders, which is good
considering that when they have done so the results
are horrible. (North Korea, Tibet, Pakistan,

Helsinki, Finland

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