[lit-ideas] Re: The torture graph

  • From: Eric Yost <eyost1132@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 07 Apr 2006 02:33:48 -0400

Lawrence: No guts, no willingness to fight, too timid by far, Osama says. And true to his assessment we anguish over the fact that we are human, that a small percentage (as occurs in every fighting force) is going to misbehave. We say never mind about the enemy, what about those of us who misbehave? We say never mind about the people trying to blow us up, what about the use of excessive force in trying to find out whom our enemy is.

Eric: People don't really think we're at war. They think it's a bad dream that will go away if they can only pin it all on Bush. It's a creepy kind of nihilism, and I think it comes from the feeling of being betrayed by the government too many times. Remember around the time Nixon resigned, the government WAS the enemy for many people. We believed our own Cold War propaganda too much perhaps, and Vietnam/Watergate showed us up as suckers. The nihilism is also fashionable since it gives a sort of glamor to alienation.

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