[lit-ideas] Re: "Stand By Denmark" Rally

  • From: JimKandJulieB@xxxxxxx
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sat, 25 Feb 2006 11:16:15 EST

Great.  Now we have New Islamisists and Old Islamisists.
Does anyone have a cheat sheet or a score card?
Julie Krueger

========Original  Message========     Subj: [lit-ideas] Re: "Stand By 
Denmark" Rally  Date: 2/25/06 10:07:14 A.M. Central Standard Time  From: 
_lawrencehelm@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (mailto:lawrencehelm@xxxxxxxxxxxx)   To: 
_lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (mailto:lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx)   Sent on:    

I think it is up to the  Moderate Islamists to distinguish themselves from 
the Fundamentalists, not those  of us who read their writings.  After reading 
Islam without Fear, Egypt and the New  Islamists by Raymond William  Baker, I 
didnât see as much of a distinction between the New and Old  Islamists as 
thought existed.  Bakerâs Egyptian Islamists were still  fundamentalist but 
more nuanced in their theology.  The New Islamists  wouldnât support 
or terrorist organizations but they agreed with much  of the very restrictive 
hallmarks of the Islamism we have grown accustomed to  hearing about.   
Also the New Islamists  are pretty much keeping their mouths shut.  If you do 
find one speaking up  you can be pretty sure heâs either agreeing with the 
old Islamists or writing  from some place in Europe or America.  Do any of 
New Islamists have  any influence?  Baker thinks the ones in Egypt may one 
day have, but they  are so reticent, so careful that no one knows for sure what 
they think.  They remind me of Heidegger writing in Nazi Germany.  Did he 
write so  obscurely because he was by nature obscure, or did he do so to keep 
Nazis  from figuring out what he believed?  On one of the issues where the  
Egyptian new Islamists could have emphasized their difference by defending  
Mahfouz, they failed, at least the most outspoken, Ghazzaly, did.  He  thought 
Mahfouz should be  censured for his writings. 
I am not convinced that  Turkey contains âmoderate Islam.â  Ataturk set 
Turkey up as a secular  state.  Islamists (Old Islamists) have tried to take 
control but have been  prevented from doing so by the Military.  But even much 
the military has  been tainted with Islamism.  There was a move to institute 
Sharia Law in  Turkey not so very long ago which would have been in direct 
violation of their  constitution. 
Iâve spent some time  looking for these âsafeâ Muslims youâve 
mentioned.  I 
suspect they are in  hiding. 
-----Original Message-----
From:  lit-ideas-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:lit-ideas-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx] 
On Behalf  Of Omar Kusturica
Sent: Saturday, February 25, 2006 4:57 AM
To:  lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [lit-ideas] Re: "Stand By Denmark"  Rally 
From: JimKandJulieB@xxxxxxx  
To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx  
Date: Sat, 25 Feb 2006 04:11:13 EST  
<<Eric,  you've told us how important it is  to fight 
Islam.  >> 
I don't think it is the notion of anyone (on  this 
list,  at least), that the  
West needs to fight Islam -- anymore than we need  to 
fight  Judaism or  
Christianity or ...fill in the blank.  
*Oh, I wouldn't be too sure. Yes the talk is  usually 
about Islamism but there is very little attempt  to 
distinguish between radical Islamism,  moderate 
Islamism (governments of Turkey, Malaysia, Egypt  etc. 
all claim to be in Islamic in one way or  other), 
liberal Islamism, or even just traditional Islam.  It 
seems that the only way Muslims could be  completely 
safe from being perceived as enemies would be  to 
convert to Christianity. 
In practice, of course, not all Muslims get treated  as 
enemies, or even all Islamists. But the decisions  seem 
to motivated by political interests of the  moment 
rather than by any intellectual or ethical  criteria. 
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