[gmpi] Re: lost-n-found #5 - GUI windows

  • From: "Paul Kellett" <paul.kellett@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <gmpi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 17 Nov 2004 19:00:56 +0100

"Tim Hockin" <thockin@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Anyone? I'm no GUI expert...

some comments:

Can a plugin GUI have multiple windows?

VST allows a plug-in to have multiple *windows* e.g. a
main window and then open a subwindow to show some additional controls. I doubt all VST hosts support this.

AU allows a plug-in to have multiple *editors* i.e. the
same editor open twice, controlling the same plug-in.
Again it depends on the host if this can happen or not.

Perhaps it should also be allowed zero windows.

Yes, that's reasonable. It should be possible to make
a plug-in with no GUI, and also tell the host not to show a generic GUI based on the parameter metadata.

Can the plugin dynamically resize it's window? (like those VST plugins with two modes).

Can be very useful. An improvement on VST would be if the host can request a new size, and the plug-in returns the closest size to that it can provide.

The less GMPI specifies about windows, the more freedom
we have to use different graphics APIs .

Agreed. People will want to use all sorts of APIs.


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