[gmpi] Re: Reqs 3.8

  • From: Tim Hockin <thockin@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: gmpi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 11 Dec 2003 07:24:50 -0800

On Thu, Dec 11, 2003 at 02:08:12PM -0500, RonKuper@xxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
> Let's build it as we see for 'normal' processors, and then derive a
> GMPI-Embedded or GMPI-Mobile spec.
> <<<
> So what are you saying, that you want per-binary sample types should be part
> of the 1.0 spec, or not?  I think we should avoid GMPI-x specs.  The whole
> point of all this is to wind up with one spec, ONE.

The other whole point was to make a SIMPLE spec.  Adding in profiles which
cover an unknown range of topics is the anithesis of simple.

We don't know if the profile will affect parameter types, threading, data
types, etc.  And that is just the 'Mobile' profile.  Then someone else asks
for the 'Set Top' profile because they have some slightly different
requirements, and maybe that needs to change some other aspect of GMPI.

The slippery slope ends up with many parts 'profiled', though only a few of
them change for any given profile.

One spec, but simple.  Let's solve the obvious problem, where we KNOW the
problem.  Once we have a full spec, we can evaluate exactly what needs to be
changed for a mobile/embedded 'profile' and build a slight derivation that
covers those changes.

It is semantically the same as a 'profile' except that I want to not look at
it as a derivation, and not an interchangable chunk of the spec.

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