[gmpi] Re: NAMM follow-up, some major decisions to make

  • From: "Angus F. Hewlett" <angus@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: gmpi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 31 Jan 2005 12:11:56 +0000

If you can get VST going, I'll consider releasing a freeware but closed-source VST-RTAS wrapper keyed to "GMPI-as-VST" plug-ins. Would be very little work, and, unlike a true GMPI->RTAS wrapper, would not need a new license from Digi.

Could very easily do the same for AU as an interim measure, but I think you'll have no problem getting volunteers to write a direct GMPI->AU wrap.

Note that -hosting- RTAS under GMPI is not likely to be possible, ever.


Ron Kuper wrote:

I would gladly do the same for DXi.  Anyone want to do AU?

Too bad RTAS and HTDM require a license.<g>

----- Original Message ----- From: "Jeff McClintock" <jeffmcc@xxxxxxxxxx>
To: <gmpi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Sunday, January 30, 2005 6:20 PM
Subject: [gmpi] Re: NAMM follow-up, some major decisions to make

Cheers Ron,

That sounds positive, I (perhaps wrongly) got the impression some MMA
members were anti-GMPI and might interfere.

I will join the MMA if necessary to get GMPI off the ground.
  I'm very hopefull we can wrap this up a lot faster than the 2 years
it's taken so far.

  For example I've already got complete, working, stable VST hosting
code I'm happy to donate to the VST-GMPI wrapper.

  I'm really keen on writting a 'burnt-in' wrapper, i.e. You can
(optionally) include VST-wrapper source code at compile-time, a single
dll file can then simultaneously support both the GMPI and VST
interface.  kind of a "universal plugin".  If someone does the same for
DXi, we will have a real "killer-app".  Write once, run anywhere.


Ron Kuper wrote:

I wouldn't say the large manufacturers have nothing to gain. There are
large manufacterers who are interested. And even though objections were
raised at the meeting last week, the objections aren't insurmountable,


nor were the opinions the "official corporate" position(s) of the



I am confident that we will be able to find a way to make GMPI more
attractive, both by highlighting key tech and market benefits, and also
perhaps by tweaking our development process to recognize the MMA more

If it came to a vote in the MMA, every member's vote counts equally,


If, as I hope, ~12 software companies decide to join the MMA to persue


effort, it would be a significant reshaping of the organization.

----- Original Message ----- From: "Jeff McClintock" <jeffmcc@xxxxxxxxxx>
To: <gmpi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Saturday, January 29, 2005 4:38 PM
Subject: [gmpi] Re: NAMM follow-up, some major decisions to make

I feel there's something of a divide between the small independent
software developers ( who have the most to gain from GMPI ), and the
large manufactures represented by the MMA ( who have nothing to gain ).

What If I did join the MMA, worked hard on GMPI, then the MMA held a
vote to either endorse GMPI, or kill it.  How does my vote stack up
against Yamaha's?


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Angus F. Hewlett, Managing Director (CEO)
FXpansion Audio UK Ltd - http://www.fxpansion.com
Registered in the UK - #4455834 - VAT: GB 798 7782 33

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