[gmpi] Re: 3.15 MIDI

  • From: Chris Grigg <gmpi-public@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: gmpi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 14 Jun 2004 11:56:44 -0700

> I meant, how do you do the suggested GMPI-native note-id stuff in
 this context.  I want to see whether the idea of stapling a bunch of
 musical events to a target note process holds up.  Show me how the
 incoming MIDI event stream is translated to the GMPI-level addressing.

Note ids should be abstract, they shouldn't have any reference to MIDI in any way, in my opinion.


OK, so what are you going to do your performance on if not a MIDI controller (kbd/perc/wind/etc.)? I mean, if GMPI is going to demand that a velocity parameter is a separate message from a note-on, then the host is going to have to re-associate the MIDI note-on message's velocity with the right GMPI note. From the discussion so far, it seems the GMPI note-on message and the GMPI velocity message would have to somehow use the same note-id value (not the same as MIDI note number), but I don't understand how the note-id numbers wind up the same. I'm just asking for someone, anyone to show me in detail that this would really work.

-- Chris G.

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