[bookshare-discuss] Re: Way To Go Booksharians!

  • From: "Julie & Miss Mercy, avon representative" <mercy421@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: bookshare-discuss@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sun, 16 Sep 2007 18:48:50 -0400

Oh, that frustrates me so much! I had the opposite happen sometimes, too. When I was in middle school, my reading level was at the college level, so while I even still do like children's books sometimes, I want to read them when I want to read them. I want something more challenging the rest of the time and I got so bored with what they'd send me. Take care.

Julie Morales
Email & Windows/MSN Messenger: mercy421@xxxxxxxxxxx
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a poisonous spider?

Judy s. wrote:
I still have problems with NLS. Sometimes they'll send me only three books over an eight week period, and at other times I'll get twelve books in the mail on the same day! My regional library has a librarian who likes to over-ride my preferences and send me books she thinks will "expand" my horizons, and I absolutely hate her preferences. When I've talk to her and asked her to stop it, she's always saying that I'm reading books that are below my reading level. Well, yes, I sometimes do check out something other than "War and Peace" or "The Brothers Kamarazov!" Smile. I happen to enjoy a good story regardless of the supposed reading level. I finally complained to the other staff and got a request list set up to prevent anything else from slipping in, as my non-leisure reading is often highly technical scientific research journals and I want my leisure reading to be fun!

Judy s.

Rick Roderick wrote:

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