[argyllcms] Re: Neutralize Grey Axis

  • From: Nikolay Pokhilchenko <nikolay_po@xxxxxxx>
  • To: argyllcms@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 12 Jan 2011 20:23:17 +0300

Graeme Gill wrote:

> Nikolay Pokhilchenko wrote:
> > Graeme, am I right in supposing that pointing viewers adaptation to D50 for
> colprof
> > lead to better matchig of the grayscale prints with other true
> neutral-in-D50 prints in
> > D50-illuminated enviroment?
> Only if it's a more accurate description of the viewing situation. If the
> print is actually neutral with respect to it's paper color, yet appears blue
> to the observer, then the observer must be making that judgement with respect
> to some other white reference. If they are viewing another print with a
> warmer white point as a reference, then this would explain the effect.

Yes, the prints was neutral with respect to it's (bluish) paper color, but 
appears blue to the observer because observer was adopted to warmer (neutral) 
white point.

> A logical way of creating a better match is to specify what the situation
> actually is (by overriding the default assumptions of viewer white point),
> and then let the color appearance space matching do its stuff.

Yes. I've done it. Successfully. I've changed not only "adopted" white point, 
but source viewing conditions (working place and monitor of photographer) too. 
It improves the result and the photographer was fully satisfied.

Many thanks...

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