[argyllcms] Re: Neutralize Grey Axis

  • From: Klaus Karcher <lists@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: argyllcms@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 11 Jan 2011 23:53:21 +0100

There were some typos in my previous message. This is the rectified version.

Nikolay Pokhilchenko wrote:
Tue, 11 Jan 2011 15:45:08 +0100 Klaus Karcher wrote:

You can calculate chromaticity coordinates
for other adaptation colors using Bruce Lindbloom's Color Calculator
<http://www.brucelindbloom.com/index.html?ColorCalculator.html>  if required.

But as Gerhard mentioned and Graeme confirmed, changing the CIECAM
adaptation chromaticity does not affect the gray balance of the
perceptual intent essentially, so it might be better to replace it by
-taa (Absolute appearance intent) as Graeme suggested. There's no gamut
mapping in the absolute appearance intent however.

I've just get the response from one photographer, my client: I've send him new 
profile with customised viewing
conditions. He sad, that the BW prints isn't bluish now. The adaptation -dpp 
-ds:n -dw:.345669:.358496 -da:100 -
df:.345669:.358496 is critical. It's not distinctive at a glance of simple 
user, but is critical for pro photographers...
The ti3 from printer is attached in archieve.

I've made some profiles with your ti3 file:

# "normal"
colprof -cmt -dpp -s sRGB.icc
-D test_pap -O test_pap.icc 1931_FWA

# whitepoint D50
colprof -cmt -dpp -dw:.345669:.358496 -s sRGB.icc
-D test_D50 -O test_D50.icc 1931_FWA

# whitepoint + flare D50
colprof -cmt -dpp -dw:.345669:.358496 -df:.345669:.358496 -s sRGB.icc
-D test_D50f -O test_D50f.icc 1931_FWA

# whitepoint a = -3,  b = +11
colprof -cmt -dpp -dw:.367395:.393341 -s sRGB.icc
-D test_-3+11 -O test_-3+11.icc 1931_FWA

# whitepoint + flare a = -3,  b = +11
colprof -cmt -dpp -dw:.367395:.393341 -df:.367395:.393341 -s sRGB.icc
-D test_-3+11f -O test_-3+11f.icc 1931_FWA

icclu -fb -ip -s100 test_pap.icc
50.000000 0.000000 0.000000 [Lab] -> Lut ->
67.468898 65.014740 73.137592 [RGB]

icclu -fb -ip -s100 test_D50.icc
50.000000 0.000000 0.000000 [Lab] -> Lut ->
67.222671 64.879958 70.825114 [RGB]

icclu -fb -ip -s100 test_D50f.icc
50.000000 0.000000 0.000000 [Lab] -> Lut ->
67.145810 64.781647 70.946942 [RGB]

icclu -fb -ip -s100 test_-3+11.icc
50.000000 0.000000 0.000000 [Lab] -> Lut ->
67.957707 65.946592 67.968296 [RGB]

icclu -fb -ip -s100 test_-3+11f.icc
50.000000 0.000000 0.000000 [Lab] -> Lut ->
67.682075 65.584257 68.362904 [RGB]

icclu -ff -ia -s100 test_pap.icc

100.00000 100.00000 100.00000 [RGB] -> Lut ->
92.484190 3.264611 -11.250770 [Lab]

67.468898 65.014740 73.137592 [RGB] -> Lut ->
48.406617 2.075828 -7.193194 [Lab]

67.222671 64.879958 70.825114 [RGB] -> Lut ->
47.933146 1.290619 -4.797495 [Lab]

67.145810 64.781647 70.946942 [RGB] -> Lut ->
47.855776 1.367588 -5.066549 [Lab]

67.957707 65.946592 67.968296 [RGB] -> Lut ->
48.554256 0.018126 -0.290320 [Lab]

67.682075 65.584257 68.362904 [RGB] -> Lut ->
48.263415 0.242249 -1.194694 [Lab]

∆E00 flat white -- paper white: 9.6
∆E00 flat gray  -- test_pap:    6.7
∆E00 flat gray  -- test_D50:    4.6
∆E00 flat gray  -- test_D50f:   4.9
∆E00 flat gray  -- test_-3+11:  0.3
∆E00 flat gray  -- test_-3+11f: 1.2

icclu and xicclu -g confirm that the mid-tones in the D50 profiles are slightly less blue, but it needs further tweaking to make them completely neutral.

Tweaking not only -dw but also -df makes little difference and has rather the opposite effect.

In softproofs with test_-3+11, I perceive the transition from neutral midtones to bluish highlights as annoying (more annoying than the overall blue cast in test_pap), but this might be a matter of taste.


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