[rollei_list] Re: Print Exchange

  • From: "Daniel Ridings" <dlridings@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: rollei_list@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sun, 18 May 2008 16:39:10 +0200

On Sun, May 18, 2008 at 1:55 AM, ERoustom <eroustom@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> There is a joy to working in a darkroom that is easily transferred into the
> product, and correlates well to the joy of using a mechanical camera, and so
> the point of a print exchange to share that joy, support the efforts of like
> minded enthusiasts, and build a more tangible community from this virtual
> meeting place.

Given the choice, I would go with inkjet (just love those carbon inks)
on Hahnemühle Rag. The quality is much higher than anything I can to
with RC prints.

It's all down to individual talens, but I haven't made a print that
outshines inkjet since Agfa Portriga Rapid disappeared.

I actually hate going in to the darkroom. It is a real pain. I do it
because I no longer have an Epson printer that can produce my prints.
Epson got the US to outlaw third-party cartridges and that made my
printer bit the dust.

I would love to see inkjet with information on which Epson was being
used, so that I could go out shopping and get a replacement.

I have a darkroom, I use it, but I am better at producing inkjet prints.

Just my 2 cents.

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