[rollei_list] Re: Print Exchange

  • From: ERoustom <eroustom@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: rollei_list@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sat, 17 May 2008 19:55:32 -0400

Hi Mark,

I haven't claimed that there's anything inferior about inkjet on rag. I've seen some, and I'm always impressed. There is a joy to working in a darkroom that is easily transferred into the product, and correlates well to the joy of using a mechanical camera, and so the point of a print exchange to share that joy, support the efforts of like minded enthusiasts, and build a more tangible community from this virtual meeting place.

I wasn't intending to exclude anyone. Naively I thought there'd be more of us with darkrooms. I have proposed, and I am very interested in what others have for ideas, that we open it up to inkjet, but make sure we have an equal number of inkjet prints as we would wet prints.

Would any of you who expressed interest in exchanging darkroom work be dismayed if it opened up to inket?


On May 17, 2008, at 5:56 PM, Mark Rabiner wrote:

Ok so there is interest. Here is the plan:

First we need a list of interested photographers. By end of May I need a list
of committed contributers.
email to eroustom@xxxxxxxxxxx with the subject "2008 Rollei Print Exchange"
without the quotes.

Once we have a fixed number of contributors, each of us will edition a print
in that number.
(If there are 15 of us, we will each make 15 copies of our print.)

Title (optional), number and sign each print in the border or on the back, include information about the photo on separate cover (for title sheet).

5x7 RC or FB enlarged or contact print of negative(s) exposed through any
camera or lens made by Rollei.
Flat prints only (no canoe shaped FB sheets) please.
No digital processes or interventions.

Mail the prints to me at:
Elias Roustom
2008 Rollei Print Exchange
EM Letterpress
419 Sawyer Street
New Bedford, MA 02746

I guess you can include me out.
My name is Mark Rabiner and I am a farily well respected print maker.
I've been printing inkjet for a few years now no one has complained.
In the past 1.5 years since I've been in New York I don't have a darkroom I
have a very small apartment.
Which I've not minded as my darkroom in Portland I'd not used in years my Epson's have gotten lots of use commercially and in gallery type shows.
There may be one or two other people in my position.
People without darkrooms ...
Who seem to think what they have been hard at work doing for years is "ok". I shot with my Rollei the first few months I was here in Manhattan but not
sine or I'd have contributed to the RUG book.

May I respectfully suggest that a print of an Epson 3800 on 100% rag beats
an RC print out of the water by a million miles?
But what do I know? I've only made tens of thousands of RC prints over
decades and hundreds of inkjets over the past one.

Mark William Rabiner

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