[rollei_list] Re: Print Exchange?

  • From: Laurence Cuffe <cuffe@xxxxxxx>
  • To: rollei_list@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 16 May 2008 18:45:09 -0700

On Friday, May 16, 2008, at 04:09PM, "Marc James Small" <marcsmall@xxxxxxxxxxx> 
>At 03:40 PM 5/16/2008, Daniel Ridings wrote:
> >Don't write off the LUG exchange. You would be most welcome.
>Well, no.  I was very late to subscribe to the 
>latest LUG exchange and some objected to my 
>inclusion as a result of my tardiness.  And then 
>learning that a senior member, Slobodan, 
>vehemently objects to the inclusion of digital 
>prints pretty much put the kibosh on my 
>participation  I admire Slobodan's work and I 
>agree with him about the superiorty of analog 
>prints but, unlike a lot of you wealthy folks, I 
>lack the funds to resurrect my darkroom right 
>now:  in my new house, it would cost me about 
>$20,000.  Now, if someone wants to contribute 
>such ... and the silence is overwhelming.
>Let us wait five years.  By then, I shall have my 
>darkroom up and running again.
I?m not buying it. $20,000? What are you pricing your time at? I think all this 
lawyering has gone to your head!  My aspirational traveling darkroom consists 
of one changing bag and three Tupperware boxes labeled with duct tape so that I 
know which is which, filled with the appropriate solutions, which I place 
inside the changing bag and shuffle either sheet film or print paper through as 
Contact prints only and you have to wait till night before you start printing. 
On the plus side its nice to be sitting at a camping table sipping the local 
red, talking with your friends and watching the sun go down while developing 
your sheet film.
My regular darkroom has a viciously expensive durst 138 enlarger which cost me 
a bit over $1,000  and an enlarging meter timer from RH designs which cost 
about $400. My safe light is January?s red led Christmas lights, ensconced in 
enough translucent film cans to make it work, and the rest of my equipment was 
bottom trawled off ebay.
Presumably were looking at the cost of plumbing and making light tight some 
space. The best is the enemy of the good, and I?m as guilty as the next of 
guilding the lily when there is a perfectly serviceable solution to hand.
Its not a trivial problem. Sometimes you just have to do something, and 
sometimes the personal value comes out of ones ability to dream of the future 
when the ideal darkroom rolls perfect prints of gorgeous images out?. 
For me photography is what I do and make do. I scrounge and improvise and make 
Telescope buildings is where I dream of the perfect scope and worry about the 
relative merits of aluminum versus titanium 3/8 20 fine screws and obsess about 
the value of carbon fiber over Baltic birch?My 10" took me fifteen years, and 
I've had my 18" mirror for almost two years now...
My concern is with your five year time scale.  If the darkroom is in the dream 
projects folder, I think you are being far too hasty and should take a little 
more care and stretch it out for at least double that..
All the best
Larry Cuffe

>Cha robh bàs fir gun ghràs fir!
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