[mso] Re: exe files

  • From: "Greg Chapman" <greg@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <mso@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 30 Aug 2003 22:20:14 -0500

Oh I wasn't intending to inflame, intimidate or otherwise hammer you. In
fact, I made allowances, statements of understanding that people come to
the Internet and learn. They don't get here informed at all. But that
condition, hopefully, is temporary. So, in that respect, we're all
self-taught. I came here more poorly prepared than you more than ten
years ago. The stakes for being ignorant weren't nearly so high then.

But, show a repeated pattern of behavior that winds up abusing other
systems, well, don't be surprised if the hammer drops. And realize (you
already have) that there is a responsibility. In the meantime, don't be
surprised is some things are on by default to protect you and others.
Don't be surprised if this function or that has been hobbled to plug a
hole until a better answer comes.

And don't be afraid to take some responsibility!<g>

BTW, that protect you from yourself stuff rubs me the wrong way, too.
But, can you believe it?, 10 years ago these PCs were so poorly prepared
for people that it was a rare user who didn't destroy his/her system in
the first week by simply installing a game (uh, well, IBM PC users had
this problem. The Mac, Amigas and Atari systems were largely immune to

I apologize if I was offensive. I was merely trying to communicate a
weakness in the logic you are using. That's all!

Greg Chapman
"Counting in binary is as easy as 01, 10, 11!
With thinking this clear, is coding really a good idea?"

> -----Original Message-----
> From: mso-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx 
> [mailto:mso-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Richard Davisson
> Sent: Saturday, August 30, 2003 10:56 PM
> To: mso@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: [mso] Re: exe files
>      Let me be 100% honest with you.  What you just wrote 
> might as well = have been written in Russian.  I don't 
> understand a bit of it or the = process of which you are 
> writing.  I am 32 and never had any type of = computer 
> classes in high school or college.  Anything that I have = 
> learned has been totally self-taught.  I know very, very 
> little in = relation to what is actually available to be 
> digested.  I just saw = something in a post that I disagree 
> with and responded to it.  I still = disagree with it!  If 
> posting my opinion means that I get "hammered" = then so be 
> it.  The only way that I would know any of this at all is by 
> = being on groups such as this one and a few others.  How can 
> you expect = me to believe that every new person to computers 
> and the internet should = have other users on their mind when 
> it comes to setting up their = systems?  All one has to do is 
> have the money to go out and purchase a = system.  That's it. 
>  No education of this type comes with it.  This is = why I 
> said that the ones that we should be upset with are the 
> people = that create this havoc.  Not the ones that 
> inadvertantly spread it. =20 Richard L. Davisson 
> http://www.groups.yahoo.com/group/WhatsonmyPalm
> We do not have to visit a madhouse to find disordered=20
> minds; our planet is the mental institution of the universe.

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