[lit-ideas] Re: Five Years Ago

  • From: Paul Stone <pas@xxxxxxxx>
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 13 Sep 2006 16:50:13 -0400

Are puns an instance of humour?

maybe not

It seems to me that puns are often clever, witty, but I don't think they are humour. However, and this may
only be my impression, don't puns attempt to be humour? I enjoy clever, witty conversation but there is something about puns that annoy me. I think it is that pretension of being humour.

Perhaps they are supposed to be things that make you do a golf-clap and say 'good shew old man' and that's all. I've never guffawed at a pun, because they aren't funny. Who said they were supposed to be? It's a bit like complaining that the Jazz Band ain't loud enough. I mean, they're a band right. "Turn up the fucking music!"

Anyways, that is the background for my comment.  I apologize if it
seemed personal.

No problem.... I was already going out of town. You can't drive me away that easily. sniffle sniffle.


Paul Stone
Esco Engineering
179 Lansdowne Ave
Kingsville, ON, Canada
N9Y 3J2
Voice: 519 733 3122
Fax: 519 733 6094
Homepage: www.esco-engineering.ca

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