[lit-ideas] Re: English Pubic Schools

  • From: Eternitytime1@xxxxxxx
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 17 Feb 2006 02:05:53 EST

Irene, there is a huge difference between someone swatting a kid gently to  
make a point (like, remember -- that car coming by is why we learned the "Stop  
look and listen" rhyme -- and the people who beat their kids.
I do not like/think people need to spank, either--there are lots of other  
strategies to use (and there are numerous books on how to do that--as well as  
numerous parenting classes all around the country--but I will state that you 
are  completely mistaking the incredible horrible child abuse that DOES go on 
with  the spanking which has been referred to here.
You are doing an incredible disservice to those children who need the help  
when you  lump into the same category what has happened/is happening to  them 
to what is being done by the majority of parents who still  spank/swat.
In addition, I very much take issue with your continued harping on how  there 
are no parenting classes.  Almost every single school district offers  
Parents as Teachers which has a Parent Educator who goes into the homes of  
of kids ages 1-3. This is, as well, an international movement which is  
extremely successful.  No, it is NOT a 'law' that you have a Parent  Educator, 
if you are a (especially) first time parent and you hear about  this program 
you will almost always sign up for this incredibly helpful service.  They also 
offer parent support/play groups--which is great for first time (and  second 
and third) parents.
There are, as well, Parents Universities being offered all around the  
nation. I do not know where you live, but if you will contact your school  
I imagine that if they don't offer that, that they do offer  something...  
Another national movement/parent class is called Love and  Logic -- and these 
are especially useful for the parents who have kids who are  older and who have 
not responded well to other strategies (whether they be  time-outs, removal of 
objects dear to their hearts, grounding, etc.)
Many schools also are making it mandatory for kids to take at least a  
quarter of what used to be "Home Ec" (often now called FACS--Family and 
Science) and often they have the kids 'marry' and have a kid.  When I  worked 
a branch library--and this was 13 years ago--we used to have teens  come in 
carrying their doll--they had to treat it like it was a baby and take it  
everywhere. And this was 13 (actually more, for that is when I took my current  
One set of my friends has recently taken in two foster kids--I think I  
mentioned that. When you speak so cavalierly of how ruinous a life is because 
of  a 
swat or spank--you competely disrespect the incredible beatings that these  
little ones have endured. The younger one, age 4 or 5, came to them with  
multiple bruises/wounds all over his body. The physical shows that there were  
broken bones. He came completely unglued at the thought of being  
held/cuddled--and kept pleading to be hit.  The older one is scared of his  own 
shadow.  To 
look at and be around these little ones who have been  through a living 
makes me cross that you would equate the damage/repair  that they are going 
to have to go through with the sorts of swat that Paul  stated that he had or 
some of the others.
I agree with you only in that there ARE lots of strategies that ought to be  
used and that there are parents who do not use them--including spanking.  I  
remember, not long ago, having dinner with some friends and we were discussing  
the lack of discipline that is 'out there'. One of the people present was a  
school nurse and another was a cop. (there were a couple of others of us and 
our  kids were all at a different table so we were speaking candidly about this 
 issue--)   The cop was bemoaning how often they get called away from  all 
sorts of what he terms *real* emergencies because of these parents who have  no 
idea what to do with their kids when they are being rebellious -- and these  
parents also refuse to spank.  What would a parent do when his/her child  
refuses to go to school--and they have done what they could in a non-violent  
How would you get that child to go there?  (and no--the child  just does not 
want to do the work--is NOT being bullied or anything like  that--)  My 
friend, the cop, said he looked at the parents who were  wringing their hands 
saying that the school was calling and wanting to know  why she had not been in 
school and they didn't know what else to do but call  9-1-1.  He said he just 
look at them and told them that they should just  pick her up and put her in 
the car.  So, he did.  Then the mom looked  at him and said "But how will we 
get her out of the car?"   He said  "Did you see how I put her in the car?"  
They nodded. "Take her out the  same way."   
another time, he had a call and it was a teenager who had been smacked  
across the face by her mother.  He had been called away from some other  major 
they were working on -- he's part of the bomb squad here.  The  girl had 
called 9-1-1.  He asked the mom if she had done that--the mom said  'yes'--and 
asked 'why'.  The girl had been hitting the mom and calling  her horrible 
names. What would you have done had you been the mom?   You cannot legally kick 
her out of your home without going to jail, you  know.  SO, would you prefer to 
be terrorized by your own  kid?  No, I don't know if the mom had spanked her 
in the  past--but if she had, it had not 'worked'--but forget what led to it 
for a  moment. What would you have done in that instance?  If you were the  
If you have EVER seen a child really beaten--you would not be talking about  
the spanking as you are.  There is a huge difference between the beating  and 
the spanking and the neglect.
You do not have any kids-and, with all your knowledge, you are not out  there 
teaching classes, volunteering to teach classes at a Parents University,  
working as a Parent Educator, taking in foster kids who HAVE been severely  
beaten -- or even the kids who had great parents but whose parents have died.  
(there is a whole group of them in the foster care network like that, too)   
many of the kids in the foster care world are messed up--and have major  
healing to do.   
Start helping them and talk to their social workers about how they were  
raised. Then compare them with the everyday kid who is being raised.  
Tell me the general area in which you  live and I will get for you the  names 
of the different parenting classes there.  Yes, here in MO there are  still 
pockets of places that are being gradually educated. Yes, it is a process  and 
it is not done yet. Citizens for Missouri's Children in my state is a  
wonderful policy-watching advocate--and they are connected to most of the rest  
If you don't want to help with the parenting classes yourself--then get on  
the phone, email, write a letter to your Senator and Congressman--our sweet 
dear  President has both HeadStart and EvenStart on the chopping blocks yet 
again---he  has every single year he has been president and it is rather 
for those  who are child advocates to have to constantly be dealing with the 
fact that he  simply won't 'get it'.  The research IS extensive that the cycle 
of bad  parenting can be changed--and IS being changed. I love EvenStart 
because of how  it addresses the issues of parenting classes as well as classes 
which are called  'parent-and-child-together PACT Time.  EvenStart differs from 
HeadStart in  that those classes are required in order to get the child 
care--and the  childcare is high quality. (HeadStart's is, too, but they don't 
quite the  same partnerships with community folk as the EvenStart people 
do--which  includes, Irene, organizations which deal with preventing child 
abuse, PAT 
 (Parents as Teachers), health departments, etc etc.  You OUGHT to adore  
this program, too, since it IS part of the 'law' that to get the childcare, you 
have to attend parenting classes...
Call about this.  The National PTAs and PTSAs are hugely involved in  working 
on keeping the funding for such programs.  
Also on the block are the grants for assisting foster care parents.   Most of 
those kids are the very ones which you seem to think are everywhere--and  the 
needs are great in order to work with them.  Call your representative  and 
senator--please, do this and then, at least, if you have to be throwing in  
those babies with the ones who get swatted in the manner that has been spoken 
here by people--at least we'll all know that you have done your part to make 
the  world a better place...
I grant you--I would prefer that there be none of the "Dare to Discipline"  
types out there (that's the name of a book) but all would be "How to Discipline 
 Without Shouting or Spanking" -- which is simply incredibly awesome (and  
works).   But, I also know/have seen the little ones who have been  beaten and 
to put them in the same category and state that the issues they are  going to 
be working through is the same as what someone whose parents spanked  them 
because they kept running into the street (like it was a game--and I have  seen 
kids do that--thinking that they just liked/wanted the attention and had no  
clue that there was a very real danger--and these were NOT kids who lacked  
attention--parents outside watching constantly)  Sure, they may grow up not  
knowing how to relate to the opposite sex/husband/wife/co-worker--but they are  
going through what these little ones who my friends have, with two of their  
own kids already, taken in...
Please write your Senator--if you care about this issue, at all, Irene. The  
budget cuts are real and would eliminate a lot of those parenting classes you  
Marlena in Missouri
Terrorize a kid and those little neurons imprint forever.  The  problem too
>is that people who will terrorize a child most likely aren't  going out of
>their way to have a relationship  either. 


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