[lit-ideas] Re: Aren't you glad you no longer have a Hitler problem?

  • From: "Phil Enns" <phil.enns@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 26 Jun 2006 08:33:21 -0400

Omar Kusturica wrote:

"Also, to say that ethical difference between acts cannot be established
on the basis of who is committing them does not mean that there cannot
be other pertinent ethical distinctions."

Torture and murder are legal terms.  However, you deny the significance
of the rule of law in making ethical distinctions.*  Having denied the
rule of law, you also deny the grounds for making ethical distinctions.
You have made judgments based on acting.  According to you, Al-Zarqawi
is morally superior to Eric because Al-Zarqawi acted.  But US soldiers
are also acting, just against the side you sympathize with.  The only
grounds for distinguishing these acts is your sympathies.  So, drop the
talk of morality and just acknowledge that you prefer the actions of Al
Zarqawi because you sympathize with his beliefs.  And instead of
whinging about the morality of invading Iraq, just admit that you are
cheering for the insurgency.  As I said, have the courage of your
convictions and admit you are opposed to the US adventure in Iraq
because you are sympathetic to Al Zarqawi's ilk.

*I think this bit nicely summarizes Omar's position regarding the
significance of the rule of law.

Conventions, on the other hand, are made, in my opinion, by the
weaklings who form the majority of mankind.  They establish them and
apportion praise and blame with an eye to themselves and their own
interests, and in an endeavour to frighten those who are stronger and
capable of getting the upper hand they say that ambition is base and
wrong, and that wrong-doing consists in trying to gain an advantage over
others; being inferior themselves, they are content, no doubt, if they
can stand on an equal footing with their betters.  That is why by
convention an attempt to gain an advantage over the majority is said to
be wrong and base, and men call it criminal; nature, on the other hand,
demonstrates that it is right that the better man should prevail over
the worse and the stronger over the weaker.

(Callicles in Plato's _Gorgias_)


Phil Enns
Toronto, ON

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