[lit-ideas] Re: Amis Antithesis

  • From: Eric Yost <eyost1132@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 20 Sep 2006 14:13:42 -0400

>>Fascism stinks, and George Bush's vision of America as One Nation Under Surviellance stinks as badly as all others.

You guys are doing the selective blindness thing again. And the selective smelling thing too.

You want "One Nation Under Surveillance"? That was accomplished by Bill Clinton in the early 1990's when he signed a drug war bill that gave the feds all the rights to your privacy they could use at the time. Something really ripe there.

How about Clinton quietly (and with hardly any comment) repealing the Glass-Steigel act? That allowed for corporate monopolies that further reduce our freedom. (Is that rotting fish?)

How about Clinton's accepting campaign contributions from a Chinese development group with links to Chinese espionage agencies? Catch a whiff?

I don't mind people hating Bush, but you guys ONLY want to hate Bush. Certainly, you should be willing to entertain the idea that almost everything stinks. The UN's corruption and impotence stinks. The EU stinks. Saudi Arabia stinks. [Fill in the blank here] stinks!

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