[LRflex] Re: Using the M6

  • From: Walter Kramer <walter.kramer@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: leicareflex@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 12 Jan 2010 21:42:15 +1100


Why let go of film?  I' m late on the scene and started with a digital 
SLR, Nikon D50.  Then I bought an old Konica T3 SLR and some lenses and 
loved the results.  I suffer from the same dilemma and would love to go 
one way or the other, it would simplify things. Now I accept that I will 
be shooting both, if I'm forced to give up one, it will be digital, but 
I don't have to make that choice.  I usually prefer my 35mm photographs, 
but I'm taking more care with digital now and getting better results.  
My advice ... maybe it's a case of paying attention and knowing the 
digital medium and it's limitations/virtues.  I enjoy digital more when 
I do this.  Nevertheless, I can't emulate 35mm on digital, the reverse 
is also the case yet less so.

When I show family and friends the results they gravitate to the 35mm 
pictures for reasons they cannot immediately articulate.  If its B&W I 
reach for film, colour, I will choose on the spot, depends how I feel 
and what I have on hand.  I prefer Ektar 100 for colour.  When I print 
it's from the scan, Ektar is great for scanning.  I prefer well scanned 
film to raw digital files.

It seems to me that film is no longer for snaps and the quick grab but 
retains a new place in image making.  I know that doesn't make sense.  
I'm all for shooting film and will continue to do so.


Jeffrey L. T. Gluck wrote:
> Walter,
> I am often conflicted. I simply cannot let go of film, having started 
> with my first camera way back in 1963. My favorite emulsions right now 
> are Kodak Ektar (for prints) and Kodachrome 64 (for transparencies--at 
> least until Dwayne's ceases developing on 31 Dec. 2010!). (An old frozen 
> brick of Agfa Ultracolor 100 also awaits!) I have CDs burned at the time 
> of processing so I get the best of both worlds, but admittedly at a 
> pecuniary cost.
> My wife has gotten into digital big time (Canon 40D). I find that I must 
> shoot both film and digital to keep peace in the family, though my heart 
> is not really into the new medium, yet. I justify (in my own mind) the 
> use of the DSLR for the long shots. In the warmer weather--I am in the 
> Northeast (NYC)--it is easier to drag out the old SL or R7, but in the 
> winter it is much easier to just pull out a DSLR (my wife's 40D!). If I 
> am in a "film" frame of mind for long shots, I also have a huge 
> compliment of my wife's Canon F-1 gear to fondle.
> But having used Leicas since the early 70s, it's very hard to get away 
> from them. If I ever get enough money together, I will buy a digital M9 
> to use my large stable of M glass. However, in today's economy, I simply 
> cannot justify the expense.
> Jeff Gluck
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Walter Krämer
Bus: 03 9854 2463
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