[LRflex] Re: Something somewhat different

  • From: Charlie Falke <chfalke@xxxxxxx>
  • To: leicareflex@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sat, 05 Dec 2009 12:20:14 -0500

David Simms wrote:
Charlie, you're cutting to the chase, eh ? I think I know what you're getting at, the difficulty of getting CLEAN negatives. I have a challenge with that; microfine volcanic dust in our water. The solution that seems to work is the following; 5 micron filter takes out the chewable lumps, a ceramic filter takes out virus-sized particles and I use this water to pre-soak and to wash negatives. I usually wash using a method i call "successive dilution" whereby ten water changes (with agitation) should remove the fix. The last step is the most crucial; I use distilled water with a small amount of wetting agent (one use only) and I slowly run the loop of film through the wetting solution as I prepare to hang it up. This tends to remove as much liquid from the film as possible and it eliminates that nasty tendency for droplets to form.
I usually hang film in the shower stall in the bathroom. So, there's my technique for getting clean negatives under challenging conditions.
David Simms, Clearwater, BC, Canada
   Those are all sound techniques, and distilled water with wetting
agent is a good idea and is new to me.  It makes better
sense than any amount of filtration of tap water in terms of
drying marks on film, and distilled water is pretty cheap by any
   I was thinking more about keeping the remaining silver
out the ground water, after hypo clearing and silver recovery,
there is still quite a bit left, relative to how toxic silver is.

Charlie Falke                                         _____      /\
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