[LRFlex] Re: 20D Question

  • From: NATSTEK@xxxxxxx
  • To: leicareflex@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sun, 13 Feb 2005 13:08:20 EST


No, that is not a dumb question.

Like I used to tell my Pilot & Air traffic Controller students in the 
military, "The only dumb question, is the one that you didn't ask", because the 
person sitting next to you may also be afraid to ask what they consider the 
"Dumb Question". (That was a long, long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away).

I had a local lab make a digiat copy of an old aerial shot I did of some F4 
Phantoms, flying in eschelon formation, over MCAS Kaneohe Bay, Hawaii, back in 
the late 60's.

The picture emulsion was stuck to the glass surface of the picture frame 
glazing and after numerous tries of soaking baths in the photo lab, would not 
budge from its home.

A digital shot was taken of the picture, using polarized lights and a 4X5 
negative was created from the digital image in-lab. I was able to use the neg 
make 35mm negs later, and give them to the (surviving) pilots who flew the 
aircraft that day.

I hope this answere your question.


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