[openbeos] Re: Calculator

  • From: Stephan Assmus <superstippi@xxxxxx>
  • To: openbeos@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 06 Jun 2006 09:38:40 +0200

Hi Danial,

> >Daniel, may I change the license stated in your code to MIT?
> Yes.

Thanks a lot!

> And also add my vote to the "expand/collapse" interface, possibly with the
> possiblity to expand different parts separately (scientific funtions, the
> number buttons). That sounds better than standard/scientific modes hidden
> somewhere.
> But I vote for two text controls, one for the expression and one for the
> result. It is quite annoying to have to repeat the same expression if you
> made a mistake or want to change something.
> Although this could be accomplished with a history and a single text
> control, it is nice to be able to see the result as you type.
> But with two text controls, the "=" button would then have to change it's
> behaviour, since the result would already be there.
> In order to maintain a normal behaviour, "=" would still be needed as a
> separator between expressions. So it could e.g. select the expression if it
> was correct, so that it is replaced if you continue to type, and as XCalc,
> set the cursor to where the error is, if the expression is incorrect.
> But there may be a reason why I haven't ever seen it implemented like that
> :)

Thanks for the suggestions, but I think I like the single text control better, 
because I can imagine a lot of cases where you want the expression to transform 
into the result so that you can use it for typing the next expression. If you 
think about it, the history thing could actually be quite intuitive, because 
you're used to it from so many other situations. So the chance is high you just 
try the up arrow and voilá - there is your previous expression again!

Best regards,


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